Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:33

Dangerous Toxins: Petition to Remove them from Everyday Products

Consumers are pushing major companies to remove dangerous chemicals from popular products.
Did you know that very well-known companies, whose products that you buy at stores every day, use dangerous chemicals in some of their products?

One such company that has recently felt the consumer push-back and has removed such chemicals from their products is Johnson & Johnson.

Some companies are not even required to include ingredients on their products, including feminine hygiene products.

Do you know what may be in your tampons or pads?

Mom blogger and consumer advocate, Leah Segedie, joins Andrea and Lisa to help provide options to affect change in the right direction, including switching to organic companies that provide full disclosure of ingredients and stepping up and demanding change from the large well-known brands.

If you'd like to sign a petition to tell Procter & Gamble to disclose what's in their feminine hygiene products, click here.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1404ns3d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Leah Segedie, mom blogger
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @bookieboo
  • Guest Bio: Leah Segedie is an influencer, mom blogger and the leader of Mamavation, which is a large online health community for moms. Mamavation community members have lost over 2,500 lbs. and have had over 250,000 mentions on twitter. Leah Segedie also owns a blogging network called Bookieboo with over 7,000 bloggers interested in health and lifestyle topics.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH