Tuesday, 16 September 2014 23:00

The True Tale of How I Got My Colonoscopy & You Can Too

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Well it's that time again.

Three to five years after my last one, it's time to have another colonoscopy.

People are afraid of having this test, but really the only thing that is difficult about this test is the prep.

That really is the worst part.

You have two choices of preps these days. You either have the Tri light which is the gallon of liquid that tastes terrible, bloats your stomach and makes you feel a bit sick.

Or the new one, that you take in 12 hour intervals. It's not nearly as much liquid, but if you schedule your colonoscopy for first thing in the morning, as I do, (and I highly recommend this timing)... then you have to get up at 2 o'clock in the morning to take the second dose and you might lose out on some sleep.

So I chose to do the gallon of liquid as I have done before. Its not that hard, its just a lot of liquid and you do feel quite full.

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You'll likely spend a lot of time on the toilet either prep you choose.

The main goal of this prep is to make sure your colon is clean as the doctors do not want to have to go through poop to see the walls of your colon. (Sorry, but that's just the plain truth.)

The first day you start with a clear liquid diet.

My favorite is beef consomme, chicken broth, Gatorade and of course don't forget the jello. They say not to use red or blue jello but most doctors know the difference between jello and blood!

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I am about to start my prep. I took the pills they tell you to take which are basically stool softeners, you have to do those before the prep. You should expect to be on the toilet after the prep for about an hour and a half, usually that's long enough. You need to be pooping clear... basically clear liquid. Yes, I know that sounds gross but that's the goal.

The next morning you go for your colonoscopy. This is where the easy part comes in. You get hooked up to an anesthetic, the Dr. puts you under faster than you can imagine and you wake up a very few seconds later and it's done!

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This time, they found a few polyps. They will be sent for biopsy. I not as worried as the doctor said they look truly benign. And, as he removed them anyway, even if they were precancerous they are gone now.

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People don't realize how easy it is, and how important.

It is the single biggest aid in the prevention of colon cancer and one that should be done every 5 years after the age of 50, or earlier if you have family history of colon issues.

Just go ahead and do it.

You'll feel quite cleansed afterwards and a few pounds lighter!



Those polyps did turn out to be precancerous as the biopsy showed. Whew! Just a good example of why a regular colonoscopy is so important. What could have become a real health crisis in a few years has been safely identified and removed. Easy peasy.

Melanie Cole, MS

Melanie Cole, MS, is the RadioMD Director of Operations. She has a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology/Kinesiology.