How to Stay Healthy in an Office Environment

Staying well in an office environment can be challenging.
Do you work in an office?

While the camaraderie can be fun and uplifting, the health-related considerations might be less enthusiastic.

From the doughnuts tempting you in the break room, to your cube-mate sneezing all over the place, staying well in an office environment can be challenging.

In this segment, Dr. Keith Roach explains how to stay well in your office environment every day... including how to keep it germ-free, packing healthy lunches and snacks, and trying treadmill desks.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: sharecare/1504sc2b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Keith Roach, MD
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Bio: keith2Dr. Keith Roach has been a practicing internist for over 20 years. Dr. Roach graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago. Dr. Roach now teaches and practices at Weill-Cornell Medical College. He has over 20 peer-reviewed publications, especially in disease prevention.

    Dr. Roach is one of the creators of the RealAge test, a web-based interactive tool that empowers people to learn which lifestyle choices, medical issues, and genetic characteristics are making them healthy and unhealthy, and how to improve them. Dr. Roach is Chief Medical Officer at Sharecare and has a nationally syndicated health column.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Darria Long Gillespie, MD, MBA