Sweet, Delicious & Trendy: Raw Desserts

Can you imagine eating cheesecake guilt-free? If you make sweet desserts like cheesecake the right way, you actually can.
Raw deserts: what is this all about?

According to the author of Sweetly Raw Desserts, it's enjoying yummy deserts, guilt-free.

Heather Pace shares how she took her valuable skills and experience to create healthy vegan (and later raw vegan) versions of traditional foods. Things like ice cream and cheesecake can now be enjoyed.

Find out how in this enlightening segment.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1505wl5d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Heather Pace
  • Guest Twitter Account: @HeathyPace
  • Guest Bio: HeatherPaceHeather Pace’s passion for food led her to the completion of a two year culinary school program at the age of 21. She used her valuable skills and experience to create healthy vegan, and later raw vegan versions of traditional foods. Heather has worked in various restaurants, bakeries, and as a personal chef. She is the author of Sweetly Raw Desserts (Quarry Books) and seven raw dessert e-books, owns a raw chocolate company, teaches raw food classes, and is a certified yoga instructor. Find her books and recipes at SweetlyRaw.com. Find her chocolates at www.sweetlyrawchocolate.com

  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC