Short & Long Term Effects of Childhood Obesity

As the childhood obesity epidemic reaches epic numbers, it is causing some serious short- and long-term health issues in our kids.
As the childhood obesity epidemic reaches epic numbers, it is causing some serious short- and long-term health issues in our kids.

According to childhood obesity expert and Exercise Physiologist, Melanie Cole, MS, type-2 diabetes, which ironically used to be called "adult-onset diabetes," is being seen in children as young as eight years old. These kids are also suffering from high blood pressure and other cardiovascular concerns, as well as bone issues and poor joints.

Not only are there physical concerns, but the mental and emotional effects, such as low self esteem, can arise from being bullied or fat-shamed.

The good news is that because there is rising awareness around childhood obesity and overweight kids, pediatricians are now checking BMI at children's well visits. They, along with parents, can then monitor if there is a sharp increase in normal growth.

What else can parents do to ensure their kids keep weight in check?

According to Cole, parents really have to work at structuring "play." We live in a different world now, where kids much prefer to sit and play video games or watch YouTube videos on their smartphones than go outside and just move.

So, parents need to make sure their kids are getting some activity throughout the day.

It truly does all start with the family.

Listen in as Cole joins Dr. Susanne to share more about the health effects hurting our younger generation, as well as some viable solutions.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1537wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Melanie Cole, MS
  • Guest Bio: MelanieColeNEWHeadshotMelanie Cole, MS, has a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology/Kinesiology and is Childhood Obesity expert.

    Melanie is the host of Healthy Children (in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics) and Train Your Body (with the American College of Sports Medicine) on RadioMD. Melanie also conducts seminars and lectures nationwide on nutrition, stress reduction, balance, posture and a wide variety of health related topics. She has been featured in Shape Magazine, Inside Sports, Lerner Newspapers, and many more.

    Additionally, Melanie is a practicing exercise physiologist/personal trainer with a client retention rate of 20+ years; nearly unheard of in the world of personal trainers.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC