?Exercising Your Evolution Muscles

Many people think that being able to change and evolve is something you're either born with, or you're not.
Many people think that being able to change and evolve is something you're either born with, or you're not. 

Your capacity to change and evolve is a muscle that needs to be trained and exercised, just like any other muscle. 

Even people who seem to have the healthiest lifestyle and habits may get stuck in an evolution rut if they aren’t open to having new, healthy experiences. 

Claire Layrisson shares how being open to change is the first step in changing. 

She also discusses her own continued evolution and gives listeners tips on how to be willing to try new experiences that align with your overall health and wellness goals.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1546rr5e.mp3
  • Doctors: Claire Layrisson, Holistic Health Coach
  • Featured Speaker: Claire Layrisson, Holistic Health Coach
  • Guest Bio: 10710695 10152612438225889 6328076076037791653 nClaire Layrisson is a holistic health coach, essential oils educator and writer. Former editor­ in­ chief of Playgirl magazine, Claire works with many people in recovery, helping them use nutrition and lifestyle to support physical and emotional well-being. People who’ve abused substances often have depleted bodies, and getting healthy can vastly improve their quality of sobriety ­ and life. Restoring physical health has immense benefits, and essential oils offer exceptional emotional support.