Wednesday, 27 January 2016 12:11

Living an Imaginative Life

What truly occurs in the depths of your unconscious mind?
So many people are suffering because of a lack of a deep inner life.

But, the world of dreams, intuitions, feelings, even visionary encounters can bring you wonder and great wisdom. 

For over a hundred years, in psychotherapy rooms across the globe, therapists have helped their clients interact with their deeper selves. While this therapeutic context is, and continues to be, a great service to the world, you need not shut yourself off from your personal experience of inner life.

According to Dr. Mary Harrell, author of Imaginal Figures in Everyday Life: Stories from the World Between Matter and Mind, it's time for the nurturing of soul life to move beyond the consulting room. 

Suffering, the inescapable common denominator of the human condition, is never pleasant. But, Dr. Harrell says that if you tend it well, that very suffering can transform into human compassion and love. It is so common that during times of suffering the imaginal world, animated by a host of figures, guides you in finding your personal path to transformation. 

The confounding and increasing violence in the world, especially as expressed in mass shootings, is signaling a need to return to the deep wellspring of inner life. The trustworthy guides in the imaginal can become the antidote to isolation and confusion that results in so many young people who become lost to themselves. 

Listen in as Dr. Harrell joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to share more about her book, as well as what can occur in the depths of the unconscious and why it's so important to acknowledge its importance.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1604ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mary H. Harrell, PhD
  • Book Title: Imaginal Figures in Everyday Life: Stories from the World Between Matter and Mind
  • Guest Bio: Mary-HarrellMary H. Harrell, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., is the author of a new book, Imaginal Figures in Everyday Life: Stories from the World Between Matter and Mind. It comes as a result of research, personal experience, and professional accomplishments in the area of Jungian-oriented psychotherapy. Dr. Harrell, a licensed psychologist, earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, and her M.Ed. in developmental reading from University of Delaware. She is Associate Professor Emeritus at State University of New York at Oswego, Curriculum and Instruction Department School of Education.

    She served as a K-12 teacher and reading specialist for three decades in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and California. During 8 of those years she also was a consultant and presenter of teacher effectiveness programs, classroom management skills, learning styles, and teaching strategies for Performance Learning Systems, Inc., in California. Her writings have been published in numerous publications, including, School Science and Mathematics, Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts, Literature, and Social Commentary, and four invited chapters in edited books. Dr. Harrell has also delivered a number of presentations, including appearances at The Imaginal Institute, American Educational Research Association Convention, and Professional Development Schools National Conference. As for the past eight years she has treated patients at her Jungian-oriented psychotherapy practice. She resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH