Sunday, 26 June 2016 00:00

4 Ways You Can Help Your Children Achieve Success in Life & Work

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As parents, we always want to make sure that our children are set up for success, both in life and the work they pursue. While we cannot guide them entirely, we can instill certain habits and traits that will allow them to create success in both their personal and professional lives.

In my book, The Powers, I highlight several tips for helping our children tap into their own personal powers and how they can create extraordinary experiences in whatever they pursue.

Know Your Real Potential
Self-knowledge and self-realization is the key to success. Teaching your children to expand on their strengths and work on their weaknesses through developed discipline will allow them to know where they stand and what needs to change for them to get to the place they want to be.

Become a “Doer”
Teaching your children that they are capable of making a difference is crucial. Assess the situation and how you can make it better. This allows them to stand out and feel good about their earned successes.

Teach Your Children to Develop “Distinctive Competence”
If your child is naturally a “doer” or is able to hone in on the discipline to become one, they can become experts at whatever they want to pursue. This will allow them to stand out in personal and professional situations… feeling appreciated, building self-confidence and a growing network of those who appreciate these skills.

Tap into Your Own Superpowers
Like the super heroes your children idolize on the big screen, they too can take on the traits that make these larger than life characters both human and powerful:
  • Identify and stick to your mission.
  • Do good and be mindful of those around you.
  • Identify a sense of purpose and put it into action.
  • Do not give up on your goals – ever. Your children have never seen Superman quit.
  • Have passion for whatever you are pursuing.

Whether it is learning to balance a busy schedule, getting a good grade on a test, or having the confidence to work through peer pressure and their social circle, having your child know their self-worth and what they offer to any situation will teach them a standard of going for the best and knowing how to get there.

The best teaching method is by example. When you show them how you use your own superpowers to achieve your goals, they will never forget.