Tuesday, 24 January 2017 14:07

Men's Health: Crucial Screenings You Don't Want to Skip

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Although figures are gradually showing signs of improvement as awareness grows, men are not always on top of undergoing crucial tests and screenings.

Missing these screenings at pivotal points in a man’s life may lead to illness and even death.

Here is a look at some of those tests and screenings you simply can’t afford to skip.

Too Many Men Don’t Safeguard Their Health

According to figures published by the National Center for Health Statistics, over a quarter of men in the U.S don’t have regular access to any source of healthcare.

If you are one of those men, you are missing out on some very important opportunities to safeguard your health and spot any potential symptoms.

The tests that you can and should be having are varied. From checking your cholesterol levels to confirming your sexual health is in working order (try a resource like saferstdtesting.com), there are many opportunities to verify and confirm your health status… all of which can be viewed as important in their own right.

Learn to Check Yourself

It makes sense to get into the habit of checking your own state of health as a starting point. Then, you can address any concerns by enlisting the help of a medical professional if you suspect something is not right.

A great example of how you can maintain a healthier profile would be to check your weight on a regular basis and see where you stand with your BMI.

If you weigh more than you should for your height and build, you need to be aware that carrying excess weight can increase your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. The typical BMI range that is considered “healthy” is between 18.5 and 25. Are you within an acceptable range?

Also, scan your body for any unusual lumps or bumps, pain in your groin or testicles, new or changing moles, or anything else that doesn’t seem quite right.

Watch Your Blood Pressure

There are many important reasons for having frequent contact with your doctor, and blood pressure is one of them.

High blood pressure is often the precursor to various health complications, such as heart failure, strokes, and even issues with your cognitive functions. It's essential that you get your blood pressure checked regularly, as it can warn you of potential health threats.

Feeling Down?

Depression affects millions of individuals, many who are not able to combat the symptoms alone. Thankfully, discussion surrounding depression is much more acceptable than ever before.

If you’re feeling chronically sad, experiencing emotional highs and lows, or you’re just not enjoying life like you used to, it might be more than the “blues.”

Depression can really take hold in your family and work life. But, with the myriad of treatment options, coupled with a greater acceptance and awareness of the problem, there is absolutely no reason to keep the struggle to yourself.

Testing for Cancer

Cancer in some form or another impacts so many families each year, and prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer when it comes to health risks for men.

The dilemma here is that some experts advise against screening, as research has yet to conclusively prove the benefits of doing so outweigh the harm that can be caused by screening and treatment.

Your decision on whether to submit for screening, which may involve a digital rectal exam or the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, will need to be an informed one, based on family history and your risk-profile. Certainly, it’s a discussion you should have with your doctor.

Ultimately, regular health checks and screenings covering a variety of health issues can help you to identify a problem before it is too late.

*This post was provided in collaboration with Safer STD Testing.