Tuesday, 14 February 2017 00:00

Invincible Living: A Fresh Take on Ancient Wisdom

The ancient practice of Kundalini yoga opens up an entryway to longevity, holistic balance, and emotional and mental clarity.
At it's very core, the practice of yoga works with the human body's operating system.

Guru Jagat, deemed the modern face of Kundalini yoga, teaches Kundalini as a technology and tool to work with that operating system, particularly by stimulating the endocrine system. Her technique opens up an entryway to longevity, holistic balance, and emotional and mental clarity. 

In her book, Invincible Living: The Power of Yoga, The Energy of Breath, and Other Tools for a Radiant Life, explains how Kundalini forgoes complex poses for energy-boosting, breath-driven exercises, quick meditations, and simple poses (most of which you can do at your desk) and how it can reset your life and well-being, regardless of your age or background.

From beauty and self-care to work and relationships, Invincible Living tackles:

1) the mind, from mood elevation and stress reduction to renewed mental clarity.
2) the body, from anti-aging, and increased metabolism to amped up energy.

Listen in as Jagat joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to share more about her approach to Kundalini yoga, as well as tips from her book.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1705ns2a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Guru Jagat
  • Book Title: Invincible Living: The Power of Yoga, the Energy of Breath, and Other Tools for a Radiant Life
  • Guest Bio: Guru-JagatDeemed the modern face of Kundalini Yoga, Guru Jagat brings a fresh perspective to this ancient practice. A senior teacher with over a dozen years of experience, Guru Jagat studied under Yogi Bhajan, the Kundalini Master responsible for bringing the practice to the U.S. Her profound classes, teaching Kundalini as a technology and tool that can be used to achieve and sustain long-lasting happiness, have earned her devout fans from around the world.

    Guru Jagat is founder of RA MA Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology, a leading yoga school based in Venice, California and Palma de Mallorca Spain. The Institute offers classes, retreats, workshops and trainings. In partnership with veteran producer Julian Schwartz, she launched RA MA TV, a virtual media platform that makes Kundalini yoga and yogic lifestyle accessible worldwide, as well as indie yoga music label RA MA Records with a mission to trailblaze a new genre of music with mass appeal both in and out of the yoga space.

    Her debut book, published by HarperElixir in January 2017, is a hip must-have lifestyle guide for anyone interested in living a healthier happier life. This fresh practical handbook will take readers off the mat and out of the studio with instruction in how to apply the simple and effective technology of Kundalini to everyday life with remarkable results.
  • Length (mins): 16:43
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH