Friday, 24 March 2017 00:00

Understanding Your Skin Type

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When you are younger, your skin is able to maintain and renew itself easily.

However, as you get older, it needs more help to look healthy and youthful.

To make matters worse, external factors like pollution, the sun’s UV rays, the wind, drying heat, and poor air circulation can damage your complexion. An unhealthy diet and not drinking enough water can also wreak havoc on your skin.

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to rejuvenate and recharge your skin. Numerous cutting-edge skincare products and multi-functional cosmetics are available that can make a difference in the tone and texture of your complexion.

But, before you try different products hoping to transform your skin, you must first determine your skin type.

Keep reading to learn about the various common skin types and to understand the best ways to treat them.

Oily Skin

The main indication that you may have oily skin is enlarged pores present all over your face. Oily skin also tends to get shiny throughout the day. When blotted with a tissue, visible oil appears. If your skin seems to be getting shiny without enlarged pores, your skincare products could be the problem.

A great advantage of oily skin is that it ages at a slower rate than other skin types. However, you need to deep clean skin regularly in order to avoid clogged pores. Also, stay away from harsh products that make your skin overly dry, as these can cause your skin to produce even more oil (as counterintuitive as that may seem). This is due to the fact that your oil glands work overtime to compensate for the natural oil loss. The condition is known as reactive seborrhea.

Opt for non-comedogenic products and avoid ones that are heavy and leave your skin feeling taut. These can settle on the upper layers of skin and restrict oil flow through the pores, causing breakouts and blockages. Use oil-based products to cleanse your skin, as these dissolve sebum effectively and will help you maintain a shine-free complexion.

Dry Skin

The characteristics of dry skin are dryness, roughness and small pores. Skin tends to be dry, flaky and feels tight. Dry skin has the tendency to become more aggravated during the cold winter months and needs special attention.

It is important to note that dry skin does not break out, so if you have ever suffered from pimples or acne, your skin is not actually dry. In such cases, a certain product you are using may be the culprit. Keep dry skin hydrated at all times to prevent flaking. Dry skin is also prone to developing signs of premature aging, so using heavier anti-aging creams and serums might be a good idea.

Combination Skin

Combination skin can be tricky to deal with, as it requires treatments that control both oiliness and dryness. If you have this skin type, your complexion is both oily (around the t-zone area) and dry (cheek area). Gel-based moisturizers are best when it comes to combination skin. These will help balance sebum levels and keep skin hydrated.

While combination skin is usually inherited, it can also be caused by using the wrong products. Switching up your products and using more natural formulations can improve your skin almost immediately. When it comes to combination skin, there is no universal, one-size-fits-all solution. The best approach is to care for different parts of your face separately and to experiment with natural formulas.

Sensitive Skin

If your skin is sensitive, you have likely experienced unpleasant reactions to products from time to time. Hypoallergenic products are a must for sensitive skin in order to prevent these adverse reactions. It’s also best to avoid products with strong fragrances. Opt for products with natural formulations which are gentle on the skin. Check the label to see if the product is “fragrance-free,” “chemical-free” and “allergen-free.” Products containing lanolin, alcohol or live plant extracts must also be avoided.

Use a soothing pH-balanced cleanser that is specifically meant for sensitive skin. Also, be aware of the ingredients in the hair products you use, as these can irritate sensitive skin.

Normal Skin

If you have normal skin, you are one of the lucky ones! Your complexion is balanced and reflects light evenly. There are not many changes throughout the day, and this skin type does not typically erupt in breakouts.

Many kinds of products can be used on this skin type without causing adverse reactions. However, having normal skin does not mean that you don’t need to care for it. Taking care of normal skin involves considering and preventing future skin concerns such as signs of aging.

Follow a daily skincare routine and eat a balanced diet to maintain this skin type and continue enjoying clear, radiant skin.


Your skin type can change over time, so there is no guarantee that you will always have oily, dry, combination, sensitive or normal skin. Changes in hormones, diet and weather can cause alterations to the nature of your complexion.

Before using any new product, it is important to consider your skin type. No matter what your skin type is, avoid harsh chemical-based products and opt for natural formulations.