Power of Processing Childhood Trauma

When you experience trauma as a child, it can often have long-lasting effects on your life as an adult.
When you experience trauma as a child, it can often have long-lasting effects on your life as an adult.

Often, we don’t even see or understand what those effects are, which is why processing childhood trauma is so important for your emotional, psychological, and physical health.

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John Mabry has a deeply personal connection and understanding to the power of processing childhood trauma.

John is a professional in the recovery field, and an accomplished stuntman and athlete. He shares the journey and story of how he moved through his own childhood trauma and how he empowers others to do the same.

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Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/rr227.mp3
  • Doctors: John Mabry
  • Featured Speaker: John Mabry
  • Guest Bio: John-MabryJohn Mabry serves as Director of Public Outreach and the host of High Sobriety podcast for Addiction Campuses. He has a Masters in Counseling, is an inventor, award-winning speaker, actor and stuntman with 12 years in the Screen Actors Guild. His work has been featured on NCIS, ER, the movie Superbad, People, USA Today, etc. He has also competed in triathlons. All of these accomplishments followed a leg amputation from a car accident.

    Mabry struggled with addiction, depression and PTSD for over a decade following his accident. Things got significantly worse, however, after he found his brother dead from a drug overdose in his Beverly Hills home. John went from parties at the Playboy mansion to living in a trailer in Tennessee.

    John has a passion for talking with audiences about the importance of processing early childhood trauma. This became apparent to John when a trauma therapist gave him Crayons and compassion, which opened the floodgates to previously unknown early trauma in John's life that shaped his addictive mindset way before his car accident and brother's death.
  • Length Mins: 25:57