Ep87 - Positivity Takes Practice: Carol Miller

How to experience more compassion, kindness and love in your life - towards others and yourself (in the era of Trump) with Positivity Coach Carol Miller.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Simple strategies to be more appreciative and grateful.
  • How positivity takes practice.
  • How to deal with people that are entrenched in their thoughts.
  • How you’re in charge of your own energy and why that’s important.
  • We shouldn’t fall into the blame, shame and complain trap.
  • How to focus on you to create more in your life.

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Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: which_way_is_life/bk87.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Carol Miller
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/iampositivefocus/ & www.facebook.com/iamcarolccmiller/ ​
  • Guest Bio: Carol MillerCarol CC Miller, a positivity consultant, has touched millions to live life with maximum joy and passion through personal coaching, writing, speaking and running her nonprofit organization Positive Focus.
  • Length (mins): 33:38
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Bill Klaproth