Selected Podcast

Better Nutrition in the New Year: Setting Yourself up for Success

Dietician Gretchen Perea, M.S., R.D answers some common nutrition questions and discusses simple tips for healthy eating.

Better Nutrition in the New Year: Setting Yourself up for Success
Featured Speaker:
Gretchen Perea, M.S., R.D., C.D.E.
Gretchen is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator.
Her bachelor’s degree in dietetics is from University of California, Davis,

and her master’s degree in nutrition science was earned at California State University, Long Beach.

She has worked in public health/clinical nutrition/diabetes education for 30+ years and also works with pediatric patients and their families. Gretchen is uniquely qualified to provide compassionate nutrition counseling as she is a person living with Type 1 diabetes (44 years) and wears an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor. She enjoys working with individuals and families of various cultures due to her ability to speak both English and Spanish.