Wednesday, 20 February 2019 16:36

Maintain a Vision of Good Health: 4 Reasons to Get a Routine Eye Exam

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It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but they are much more than that.

Good vision is critical for performing everyday functions as well as enjoying life's pleasures. Although people with impaired vision or who lack eyesight typically learn to adjust their sensory perceptions as needed, those with good sight should take steps to maintain it over the course of their lifespan.

Here are four reasons you should get routine vision exams.

1) Maintain Good Vision
Regular eye exams allow your eye doctor, often an ophthalmologist, to screen your eyesight and ensure it remains strong. The doctor can check your vision in various ways; for example, they can gauge your close-range eye function. Peripheral vision is also checked, which is especially helpful for drivers. You will stay informed about your vision capabilities.

2) Identify Developing Conditions
Various eye conditions can develop over time that may impact a person's vision, some of which may be temporary, and others, permanent. Dry eye, floaters, and allergy itch are common conditions that can be evaluated and treated if needed. Sometimes preventative care can reduce issues like these.

3) Diagnose and Treat Serious Problems
Routine eye exams are also important to let the doctor discover potentially serious eye conditions that require prompt treatment. Cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic-related retinopathy need to be evaluated and may require further follow-up to avoid vision damage that may be irreversible. For example, without an eye exam, you might experience mildly blurry vision and think that your eyes are just tired or sensitive to light. But a professional evaluation might find a root cause that is more serious and needs immediate attention.

4) Learn to Practice Good Vision Health
The eye doctor can provide helpful tips to protect and preserve your vision. Sunglasses on sunny days are a good idea to protect your eyes on UV damage. Taking frequent computer breaks can help to rest the eyes and avoid vision strain. Your eye doctor may recommend certain exercises to enhance your vision or prescribe protective supplements like lutein. Overall vision assessment can help to support and preserve your vision in many ways through practicing effective vision health care.

If you are interested in improving your vision without wearing eyeglasses, your doctor may be able to prescribe vision surgery or eye contacts. Discuss your questions during each exam in doing your part to protect and preserve your long-range vision for life.