Men: Boost Sex Drive Naturally

Boost your sex drive with a few simple and natural tips.
Andropause occurs when testosterone levels drop in an aging male, usually after 50 years of age. Men may experience physical, sexual and psychological problems.

Menopause is more obvious for women because symptoms present quickly. End of menstruation is a very noticeable signal. However, there is no obvious event that signifies andropause for men. Quality of life slowly dwindles, and it’s not always associated with dropping testosterone levels.

Cortisol can deplete testosterone. Reduce stressors that are under your control. 

Tips for Improving Your Testosterone Levels

  1. Lose weight.
  2. Make time to meditate, pray or use a calming app to let your body relax a little each day. 
  3. Work to get plenty of sleep every night.
Listen as Dr. Myles Spar joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how to boost your testosterone and sex drive naturally.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl403.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Myles Spar, MD
  • Book Title: Optimal Men’s Health: Your Guide to Being Healthy in Order to Win (releases January 2020)
  • Guest Bio: Myles SparMyles Spar is a board-certified physician who directs the Integrative Medicine program at the Men's Health Foundation in Los Angeles and at the Simms-Mann Health and Wellness Center at Venice Family Clinic. He is on clinical faculty member at UCLA and the University of Arizona Schools of Medicine and presents internationally on Integrative Men’s Health.

    He has been a consultant to the NBA, working with many NBA teams on Integrative Medicine issues. He co-edited Integrative Men’s Health from Oxford University Press and has written Optimal Men’s Health: Your Guide to Being Healthy in Order to Win to be released in January 2020. He founded the optimal men’s health program, Tack180, which provides strategies for men to achieve their goals by staying on their game, health-wise.
  • Length (mins): 26:40
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC