Easing Festive Stress: Helping Your Brain Through the Holidays

Holidays are stressful. Help your brain guide you through the celebrations and challenges.
We are all faced with stress. However, holidays bring even greater stress for many people. Holiday-related anxiety is very real.

All of those childhood traumas can take up brain real estate, making it tough to operate when interacting with the people involved in those traumas. There are high expectations during the holidays, meaning greater stress.

Tips for the Holidays:

  • Mind the sugar and alcohol.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Engage in physical activity that also stimulates your mind.
  • Sleep for eight or more hours per night.
  • Work on mindfulness.
  • Manage your expectations.
  • Enjoy the present and don’t linger on the past.
  • Visit braintap.pro for some help to get through the holidays.
Listen as Dr. Patrick Porter joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to help you strategize your festive stress management.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl421.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Patrick Porter, PhD
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/braintaptech/
  • Guest Twitter Account: @BrainTapTech
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Patrick PorterDr. Patrick K. Porter, PhD, is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is the creator of BrainTap Technology™ a company that produces digital tools for health and wellness.

    BrainTap’s mind development apps and accessories use Creative Visualization and Relaxation to help people overcome stress and insomnia, lose weight, stop smoking, manage pain, accelerate learning, and much more. 

    BrainTap Tech has produced over 800 custom sessions and has sold more than 3 million books and recordings worldwide. With stress-related health and lifestyle issues at an all-time high, BrainTap has emerged as a leader in the digital health and wellness field.
  • Length (mins): 27:37
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC