Each week host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: natural remedies to eliminate allergies and more.

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  • Segment Number 5
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1508wl5e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Susanne Bennett, DC
  • Transcription RadioMD Presents: Wellness for Life Radio | Original Air Date: February 13, 2015
    Host: Susanne Bennett, DC

    DR. SUSANNE: According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 40 million Americans—40 million—suffer from symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever. Now, suffering from these hay fever symptoms may not only be an issue due the springtime. It can actually be experienced all throughout the year and why? Why is that? Because there are different types of airborne allergens in different seasons.

    For instance, spring is the pollen season where trees and plants start to flower. In the summer, it’s actually the grasses. The grass allergens come out. In the fall, it’s all weeds--weeds like ragweed. I know for a fact, out in Texas, ragweed is the worst. In the winter, actually the dampness creates mold allergy season.

    So, again, your symptoms may be the same all year ‘round, but it’s due to different allergens that are in the air. Pollen from trees and flowering plants, grass, mold, ragweed, all irritate the mucus membrane tissues in our eyes, nasal/sinus passages and our oral cavity causing itchy eyes, nose and throat. Sneezing, post-nasal drip, coughing, fatigue and even more, possibly asthmatic, reactions.

    My patients of all ages are complaining of these symptoms all the time and they are desperate to find relief without taking the loads of so many over the counter drugs available that can alleviate some of the symptoms, but which can also cause a lot of irritating side effects such as excessive drowsiness, dehydration, anxiety and insomnia.

    Today on Nature’s Secrets, I would like to share my top five natural strategies that you can start today to ease your allergy symptoms from the outdoor seasonal inhalants for you and your children.

    Number one: I always say you’ve got to start with cleaning up your nutrition. In my book, The 7-Day Allergy Makeover, the entire first chapter is all about nutrition because what I truly believe is that when you can change what you’re eating, then you’re going to be able to change how you’re feeling and the symptoms in your body. Foods that I believe that are allergenic cause inflammation and what that means is, there’s excessive amounts of histamine released—natural chemicals—that are released when you are sensitive to foods or you’re intolerant to foods. So, if that’s the case and if you’ve got more histamines because of the food you’re eating, then you will have more respiratory symptoms. Now, the seven most common foods that I talk about in my book are: dairy, gluten, sugar, fungal contaminated foods, alcohol, peanuts and eggs.

    Now, what I mean by fungal contaminated foods are things like cheese that has a lot of dairy in it; bread that has a lot of yeast in it. Dry fruits can have a lot of fungus growth. Also, things like salads from restaurants that are not clean are just loaded with mold because it’s naturally found in dirt. So, if you can, cut out some of these foods. Of course, peanuts and eggs are really well-known to be very allergenic foods. Remove all these foods for just two weeks. You can do it for two weeks and you will be pleasantly surprised to see that your runny nose, congestion, post-nasal drip and cough will reduce considerably.

    Now, for more details about my book, you can go to DrSusanne.com/book. And, that’s D-R-S-U-S-A-N-N-E.COM/book.

    Now, what’s my second secret to eliminating allergies? It’s called nasal irrigation. I know that sounds like, “Oh, my gosh. I have to put a hose up to my nose?” No. No way. Not at all. But, do you know what? You can definitely be able to throw away those medications and nasal sprays because they have a high level of potential side effects. What you can do is just buy or make a simple saline solution nasal spray. You irrigate it with this little instrument called a “neti pot”. I use a ceramic neti pot. I don’t like plastic or metal because they can have, also, other types of toxins coming out of it. What you do is, you can use your own home remedy of 1 cup of purified water. It’s got to be purified, of course, because you don’t want chlorine and fluoride and other chemicals going into your nasal passages. But purified water and you can literally use a pinch of sea salt. Make a pinch of sea salt. If you don’t have sea salt, you can use regular salt—a pinch of it—in that water. One cup. Mix it all in. Put it in your pot—a nasal rinsing pot and then flush out your nasal passages because by doing that, you’re going to get all the pollen, toxins, any type of soot and smog and car exhaust that you have absorbed and you have literally breathed in that day. What you want to do is, you’ll want to do this before you go to bed. Yes, you can do it in the morning as well, but do it before you go to bed so that you feel a lot better for the night and you’re not loaded with the gunk. The post-nasal drip then, of course, causes coughing in the middle of the night.

    My third natural strategy is to wash out your eyeballs. Oh, my gosh. You’re going to think, “What am I going to do with that?” Well, I’ll you what, often allergy symptoms such as runny nose and post-nasal drip is because you’re actually having an over tearing of the eyes. The tears drain right into the nose through the natural tear duct in the inner corner of your lower lid. So, when your eyes end up being bombarded by pollen and air pollutants and it literally lands on the delicate mucous lining of your eyes, you’ll start to tear excessively and you’ll want to rub it. But, I’m asking you not to rub it because all you’re doing is embedding the dirt and pollen deeper into your eye mucous tissues, of course, causing more redness, itching and then more tearing.

    So, children, especially, have a real though time with itchy eyes because they really don’t know when to stop scratching them. So, I’ve taught even my youngest pediatric patients, as young as three years old, how to wash out your eyeballs and to relieve the allergic inflamed tissue. All you need is a shot glass--a small, little shot glass—or, you can even find an eye cup found at the drug store. You can get natural, healthy eyewash solution at the drug store, but make your own saline solution. Again, mix one cup of purified water with a pinch of sea salt. Mix, mix, mix. Make sure it’s all dissolved and then you pour that mixture into the shot glass or the eye cup. Fill it to the brim. Lean over your sink. Or you have your child lean over, put the entire shot glass on your eye and seal it around your upper and lower eyelid. Lean back and then blink. What you’re doing is washing out the pollen. All you have to do is blink, blink, blink. Come forward and then put new water in because you might have the pollen in that water. Put new water in and go back.

    Now, there’s a video that I’ve made and it’s literally for eyeball washing. It’s at DrSusanne.com/eyewash. Go watch that video, everyone, and you’ll feel so much better cleaning out your eyes.

    Okay. So, my fourth secret to living allergy free is by using natural supplements such as Vitamin C and cosequin. These are all natural ingredients that reduce histamines. Bromaline, black currant seed or oil will help with inflammation. Probiotics will help your gut and reduce inflammation. Sea buckthorn oil is one of my favorite Omega-7s, one of my favorite oils, that reduces inflammation and also hydrates. If you’ve got dry, irritated mucous membranes, then you’re definitely going to need sea buckthorn oil and then, of course, pycnogenol is one of my favorite, favorite antioxidants and super, super antihistamines.

    Now, my fifth strategy—my last strategy—is to clean up your environment, everyone. You really can’t be taking all these supplements and eating the good foods, but you end up having a window that’s open all day long and all night long. Then you’re going to be bringing in all the pollen and the mold into your house. So, close the windows, especially on windy days. Invest in a whole house air purifying system, or, at least within your room. Teach your children on how to blow their nose properly and, of course, go Asian-style by leaving your shoes at the front door, alright? So you don’t bring in all the toxins.

    You know, reducing the toxic load of your home will be very helpful. Natural remedies will provide us with a lot of healing of the nasal passages.

    Alright. Gosh, that was my nature secrets today on long health and keeping yourself free of allergens. Until next time, this is Dr. Susanne. Thank you for listening to RadioMD, Wellness for Life radio. Until next time, I will see you. Bye bye. Stay well.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
The Food Industry has become very tainted. Find out why your being sick is making the food industry rich.

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  • Segment Number 4
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1508wl5d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Margarita Restrepo
  • Guest Twitter Account @NakedMargarita
  • Guest Bio Margarita Restrepo 1680pxSongwriter/Producer Margarita Restrepo stays busy as a Designer and as the Founder and editor-in-chief of Naked Food Magazine. She is certified in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and Cornell University, and holds a double major degree in Graphic Arts and Marketing.

    She is an advocate for educating the world about the whole food, plant-based diet and the naked way of life. After losing her boyfriend and music partner to a stage IV brain cancer (GBM) in January 2012, she felt the responsibility to help as many people as possible, including herself, understand the importance of nutrition in the development or reversal of diseases. Following a plant-based diet helped decrease the size of her boyfriend’s tumors by 25 percent. She had been diagnosed as well with anxiety attacks, and a severe iodine deficiency, which have disappeared since following her Naked Diet.

    Naked Food Magazine is an initiative focused on preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Lower Respiratory Diseases, Nephritis, and Multiple Sclerosis among others. It also addresses other non-deadly conditions that are affecting the current state of health such as obesity, osteoporosis, chronic pain, digestive health, and hypertension, also linked to nutritional factors.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
You eat food to keep your body nourished; but did you know that it can also cure disease?

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  • Segment Number 2
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1508wl5b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Margarita Restrepo, Founder of Naked Food Magazine
  • Guest Twitter Account @NakedMargarita
  • Guest Bio Margarita Restrepo 1680pxSongwriter/Producer Margarita Restrepo stays busy as a Designer and as the Founder and editor-in-chief of Naked Food Magazine. She is certified in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and Cornell University, and holds a double major degree in Graphic Arts and Marketing.

    She is an advocate for educating the world about the whole food, plant-based diet and the naked way of life. After losing her boyfriend and music partner to a stage IV brain cancer (GBM) in January 2012, she felt the responsibility to help as many people as possible, including herself, understand the importance of nutrition in the development or reversal of diseases. Following a plant-based diet helped decrease the size of her boyfriend’s tumors by 25 percent. She had been diagnosed as well with anxiety attacks, and a severe iodine deficiency, which have disappeared since following her Naked Diet.

    Naked Food Magazine is an initiative focused on preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Lower Respiratory Diseases, Nephritis, and Multiple Sclerosis among others. It also addresses other non-deadly conditions that are affecting the current state of health such as obesity, osteoporosis, chronic pain, digestive health, and hypertension, also linked to nutritional factors.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
Learn which disease-fighting naked foods are best for your plate and start your journey to better health through naked healing.

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  • Segment Number 3
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1508wl5c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Margarita Restrepo, Founder of Naked Food Magazine
  • Guest Twitter Account @NakedMargarita
  • Guest Bio Margarita Restrepo 1680pxSongwriter/Producer Margarita Restrepo stays busy as a Designer and as the Founder and editor-in-chief of Naked Food Magazine. She is certified in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and Cornell University, and holds a double major degree in Graphic Arts and Marketing.

    She is an advocate for educating the world about the whole food, plant-based diet and the naked way of life. After losing her boyfriend and music partner to a stage IV brain cancer (GBM) in January 2012, she felt the responsibility to help as many people as possible, including herself, understand the importance of nutrition in the development or reversal of diseases. Following a plant-based diet helped decrease the size of her boyfriend’s tumors by 25 percent. She had been diagnosed as well with anxiety attacks, and a severe iodine deficiency, which have disappeared since following her Naked Diet.

    Naked Food Magazine is an initiative focused on preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Lower Respiratory Diseases, Nephritis, and Multiple Sclerosis among others. It also addresses other non-deadly conditions that are affecting the current state of health such as obesity, osteoporosis, chronic pain, digestive health, and hypertension, also linked to nutritional factors.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
Ever heard of Naked Food? How about Naked Friday? Naked has never been so healthy.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1508wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Margarita Restrepo, Founder of Naked Food Magazine
  • Guest Twitter Account @NakedMargarita
  • Guest Bio Margarita Restrepo 1680pxSongwriter/Producer Margarita Restrepo stays busy as a Designer and as the Founder and editor-in-chief of Naked Food Magazine. She is certified in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and Cornell University, and holds a double major degree in Graphic Arts and Marketing.

    She is an advocate for educating the world about the whole food, plant-based diet and the naked way of life. After losing her boyfriend and music partner to a stage IV brain cancer (GBM) in January 2012, she felt the responsibility to help as many people as possible, including herself, understand the importance of nutrition in the development or reversal of diseases. Following a plant-based diet helped decrease the size of her boyfriend’s tumors by 25 percent. She had been diagnosed as well with anxiety attacks, and a severe iodine deficiency, which have disappeared since following her Naked Diet.

    Naked Food Magazine is an initiative focused on preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Lower Respiratory Diseases, Nephritis, and Multiple Sclerosis among others. It also addresses other non-deadly conditions that are affecting the current state of health such as obesity, osteoporosis, chronic pain, digestive health, and hypertension, also linked to nutritional factors.
  • Transcription RadioMD Presents: Wellness for Life Radio | Original Air Date: February 20, 2015
    Host: Susanne Bennett, DC
    Guest: Margarita Restrepo

    DR. SUSANNE: Have you heard of Naked Food Magazine? Now, Naked Food Magazine is the leading whole food plant-based nutrition consumer publication with a big mission to promote a plant-based nutritional approach to reverse and prevent disease. The magazine covers areas such as nutrition, prevention and healing of disease, wellness, fitness, recipes, lifestyle features and tips.

    I am so thrilled to welcome the founder and editor in chief, Margarita Restrepo, to Wellness for Life to discuss all of the fun nakedness that she has been promoting.

    Welcome, Margarita!

    MARGARITA: Oh, thank you so much I’m delighted to be here. Thank you.

    DR. SUSANNE: Margarita, what do you mean by “naked food” and I know it has nothing to do with being buck naked and eating good food. What do you mean by naked food?

    MARGARITA: Yes. You know, that’s a great question. Actually, naked stands for the “New American Kind and Enlightened Diet”. That’s exactly what it means and naked really refers to food that loves you back. It’s food that does not have any type of additives, toxins, colorants. In other words, it’s food that is really true food in its prime state. You know? Nothing added; nothing toxic to our health. So, it’s completely naked.

    DR. SUSANNE: Got it. So, what you’re saying is, you want pure food. Pure food like from earth to mouth directly.

    MARGARITA: Correct.

    DR. SUSANNE: Something that is so natural without it be adulterated with toxins and GMO and fertilizers and everything else that we deal with here in America and a lot of other countries.

    MARGARITA: Exactly.

    DR. SUSANNE: But, of course, that’s specifically what I promote also because I know there are so many allergies, so many diseases out there these days and a lot has to do with what you put into your body.

    So, can you tell us what spurred you to make this magazine, Naked Food Magazine?

    MARGARITA: Yes, sure. Absolutely. You know, the inspiration for the magazine actually came from a personal tragedy, unfortunately. My boyfriend passed away in 2012 from brain cancer. This type of cancer is called a glioblastoma multiforme. It’s a type of cancer that is primarily located in the brain and it’s very fast, very bad. One of the amazing things that I discovered through this painful experience is that when he got diagnosed with cancer, we both started a plant-based diet. This was because he did not believe in other kinds of therapy. You know, he did not want to chemotherapy; he did not want to do radiation, which are the things that doctors really advise you to do in this kind of case. There was really no cure for this cancer, so he decided to do a more holistic approach and we decided to start a plant-based diet.

    Just to tell you briefly, this cancer does not stop. In other words, there was no way for the cancer to really stop growing or stop developing. After we started the diet, about 3 months later, he had another MRI--another scan of his brain--and the doctors were astounded. I mean, they didn’t even know what was happening because they discovered that the cancer had actually had a reduction of 25% in its growth. And, I mean, unfortunately, by the time we started the diet, it was a little bit too late for complete reversal of the disease. It was just too late, but it was an amazing result, after 3 months for this kind of cancer. So, he passed away 8 months later and I decided to, after really learning so much, not only about diet and our health system and what it means when somebody gets cancer. The fact that it has become a complete business. It’s a cash cow, unfortunately, for the insurance companies, for a lot of these so-called medicines that they prescribe to people with cancer and this applies to every other disease. So, after learning and opening my eyes to this, which I really was not aware, I decided to start something that was an informational matrix, really. Something that could inspire people to change—not because of fear—but because actually, knowledge is power. When you know these things and you can apply them to your life, then the power is yours and you have the choice to really choose what you want.

    DR. SUSANNE: That’s right. What an inspirational story. I mean, absolutely, for you it was an experience that made you look at life completely different and you are helping now millions and millions of people, giving them valuable content and from your experience, you’re really helping the world in feeling better. Prevention is key. You know, I truly believe that there are three different reasons that can cause illness in your body or problems. Number one is what you eat. Thirty percent--a third of your diet--has something to do with why you’re ill. The second is the environment is that you live in and the third is genetics.

    MARGARITA: Sure.

    DR. SUSANNE: But, we have the control of the first two: environment as well as the food that you eat. I see that on your website with NakedFoodMagazine.com that you do just that and I see that that’s what you’re striving for.

    MARGARITA: Sure. When you explain to people that our bodies have a relationship with what’s outside of ourselves—meaning our environment—and really the one thing that enters our body is the food. You know, besides the environment, that’s the one thing that we put in our bodies. Even when, as you were saying—which is completely correct—even if you are genetically predisposed to something, it is your lifestyle that can determine the future of those genes either developing or promoting some kind of disease. It’s really in your hands to make this choice and that’s something that people don’t know.

    DR. SUSANNE: That’s right.

    MARGARITA: It something that, when they get cancer, or they get Alzheimer’s or some bad disease, they feel like, “Oh, well. You know, that’s my fate. I guess, you know, I’m older.” Actually, it happen at any age, but it’s really not like that. It’s something that we can at least try to do it, because I mean if you do it, it’s not a completely 100% guarantee, but it’s a great chance that you will not develop any of these things.

    DR. SUSANNE: Yes. That’s so true. Absolutely, Margarita. What you’re saying is that, although we have these genes—the genotypes of who we are—we actually can prevent the expression of these genes which is called the “phenotype”—the way it is expressed. That’s such a great point to be made. I so appreciate that. Everyone, you’ve got to go to NakedFoodMagazine.com.

    Also one of my favorite spots is the Naked Friday. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Margarita.

    To learn more, please go to my Wellness for Life radio page on RadioMD and you’ll be able to get more information about Margarita.

    I’m Dr. Susanne sharing my natural strategies for ultimate health and wellness right here on RadioMD.

    Stay well!
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
Each week host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Natural Remedies to improve sexual health.

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  • Segment Number 5
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1507wl5e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Susanne Bennett, DC
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
If you think physical clutter is a problem in your home, it might be time to stop and think: should you start with the emotional clutter first?

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  • Segment Number 4
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1507wl5d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker June Saruwatari
  • Book Title Behind the Clutter: Truth.Love.Meaning.Purpose
  • Guest Bio Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 10.47.10 AMJune Saruwatari, author of Behind the Clutter: Truth.Love.Meaning.Purpose, delves into what is BEHIND the clutter--the layers of mental, spiritual and emotional “stuff” that tend to manifest in the form of physical clutter in our lives. A lifestyle, business, and relationship coach, productivity and organizing consultant, inspirational speaker, and founder of The Organizing Maniac™, June has helped people declutter their minds, hearts, spaces, and stuff to create lives and businesses they love! The co-host of TLC's first season of Home Made Simple, June has appeared on The Nate Berkus Show and has contributed to publications such as Woman's Day, 31 Words to Create an Organized Life, and Practically Posh.

  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
Lacking some spark in the bedroom? Try some "Sexual CPR" to liven things up.

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  • Segment Number 3
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1507wl5c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Anna Cabeca, OB/GYN
  • Guest Facebook Account facebook.com/CabecaHealth
  • Guest Twitter Account @CabecaHealth
  • Guest Bio new prof image Dr CabecaDr. Anna Cabeca is a board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician, as well as board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, an expert in Functional Medicine, and an expert in women’s health. She specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and natural alternatives, successful menopause and age management medicine. Dr. Cabeca earned her medical degree from Nova-Southeastern University of the Health Sciences in Florida. Since completing her residency at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, she has maintained a private practice in Southeast Georgia.

    Dr. Cabeca frequently lectures nationally and internationally regarding restorative health and women’s health issues. She is a consultant and trainer for other physicians in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Functional Medicine Principles.
    A mother of five, Dr. Cabeca is a native English speaker who is conversant in four languages. Growing up in a multi-lingual and cultural household nurtured her love for international medicine and travel, which she pursues to this day. She has traveled around the world learning healing modalities from leading physicians, scientists, and other practitioners across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.

    Her belief is that the advantages of creating health and hormone balance are that we not only improve our own health, but also improve the health of our generations to follow.

    She is the co-creator of the Sexy Younger You telesummit and the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformational programs: WomensRestorativeHealth.com and SexualCPR.com.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
You'd be amazed how the right type of breathing can bring about an improved sense of love and intimacy.

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  • Segment Number 2
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1507wl5b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Tziporah Kingsbury
  • Guest Bio Tziporah-KingsburyTziporah Kingsbury (pronounced Tzi-Por-Ah) is a groundbreaking love and intimacy mentor who has created a unique practice that blends the spiritual, sexual, and sensual all in one. She has been an Integrated Breathwork Specialist for more than a decade.

    Her roots are deep in shamanic practice, creating pathways to spiritual and emotional health. She has decades of training in many disciplines including Integrated Breathwork, nutrition, yoga, cranial sacral therapy, dance therapy meditation, conscious communication, empathy development, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), psycho-spiritual counseling, body science and conscious sexuality.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
Need a "Love Guru" to help you awaken your relationship? Meet Tziporah Kingsbury.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File wellness_for_life/1507wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker Tziporah Kingsbury
  • Guest Bio Tziporah-KingsburyTziporah Kingsbury (pronounced Tzi-Por-Ah) is a groundbreaking love and intimacy mentor who has created a unique practice that blends the spiritual, sexual, and sensual all in one. She has been an Integrated Breathwork Specialist for more than a decade.

    Her roots are deep in shamanic practice, creating pathways to spiritual and emotional health. She has decades of training in many disciplines including Integrated Breathwork, nutrition, yoga, cranial sacral therapy, dance therapy meditation, conscious communication, empathy development, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), psycho-spiritual counseling, body science and conscious sexuality.
  • Length (mins) 10
  • Waiver Received No
  • Host Susanne Bennett, DC
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