High-fructose corn syrup is a common sweetener in sodas and fruit-flavored drinks, but may not be so sweet for your health.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 18 March 2013 12:22

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

From hair care, skin care, stress relief, to cancer, the health benefits of coconut oil seem to be endless!
Published in Staying Well
Friday, 15 March 2013 10:45

Should Sugary Drinks be Banned?

Sugary drinks are not good for us, but should they be banned?
Tuesday, 12 March 2013 12:15

Cornmeal-Crusted Fish and Zucchini Chips

Get the crisp deliciousness of classic fish and chips without the heaviness and fat from frying. The breaded zucchini slices are a fun way to get vegetables into this comfort food meal. It’s all served with a fresh lemony tartar sauce.
Published in Recipe
Do you know what clean eating is? Well the truth is that you can't achieve most of your fitness and health goals without it.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 11 March 2013 15:18

Seas of Deception: Buying Healthy Fish

There are three new headlines (and the rest of the stories we tweeted about in the most recent YOU The Owner’s Manual Radio Show), that juxtaposed perfectly with our most recent great guest, who is the author of The Alzheimer’s Prevention Cookbook.  

The headlines I'm talking about are:

1. Alzheimer's fastest-growing health threat in USA, report says
2. Mediterranean Diet can prevent over 30% of  strokes (brain loss) in already optimally managed patients
3. Survey Finds That Fish Are Often Mislabeled

The synergy here is interesting.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Do you have trouble making fresh, healthy meals for your family. No time? We have some great ideas on quick and easy meals from Kirstie Alley's Organic Liaison.
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 09 March 2013 16:00

Eat Smart to Stay Sharp

Neurologist Marwan Sabbagh shares the latest evidence-based research on Alzheimer's and nutrition in his book The Alzheimer's Prevention Cookbook.
Thursday, 07 March 2013 12:33

The Connection Between Food & Your Health

Instead of treating your disease symptoms, why not go right to the source?
Thursday, 07 March 2013 12:22

Eat to Save Your Life

When planning this week's meals what should you focus on? Maybe you should learn to Eat to Save Your Life.
Thursday, 07 March 2013 12:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
Monday, 04 March 2013 12:33

4 Steps to Detox & Restore Your Health

It's impossible to avoid the thousands of man-made chemicals we are exposed to.
Published in Staying Well
Saturday, 02 March 2013 16:00

12 Weeks to Wellness

Getting you off the diet rollercoaster with healthy habits you can maintain.
Many people do not meet the criteria for bulimia or anorexia, but still have very troubled relationships with distorted body images and food.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 25 February 2013 12:11

The Great Cholesterol Myth

Is cholesterol the real culprit behind America's heart disease epidemic? Dr. Stephen Sinatra says no.
Published in Staying Well
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD is a powerhouse nutrition expert to help you laugh, cry and eat your heart disease away!
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:45

Nuts and Spices an Aphrodisiac? You Bet!

These plant-based foods create blood flow, helping stimulate our libidos.
Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:22

You Too Can Fall in Love With Micronutrients

Get back to the basics of your food. This Valentine's Day, fall in love with micronutrients and their wonderful health benefits.
Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:11

Rich Food, Poor Food

The rows of shelves can be overwhelming, especially when it reads: low-fat, low-calorie, and sugar-free. We're here to help you navigate the grocery aisles.
Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 12:33

Thinking of Going Organic?

Should you spend the extra money on organic foods? It's not always worth the extra cost.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 12:22

Organic Food For Children: Worth The Cost?

You know it's important for kids to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. But will spending extra money on organic foods bring a significant benefit?
Published in Healthy Children
Is high cholesterol really the cause of heart disease? You may find the results startling.
Thursday, 31 January 2013 12:11

The Truth About Heart Disease

There is new ground-breaking information about heart disease, and the correct way to prevent and treat it might surprise you.
Thursday, 31 January 2013 12:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
If you are one of the Millions of American's who are overweight and you have vowed to lose the pounds this 2013 en we'll tell you how to lose the weight and keep it off.
Thursday, 17 January 2013 12:33

Does Wheat Cause Disease?

Dr. Davis believes that by omitting the wheat (even whole wheat) from your diet, you will lower your blood sugar and help prevent diabetes
Thursday, 17 January 2013 12:22

Toxic Fat

Why are more and more people becoming obese? It could be Toxic Fat, driven by inflamation not gluttony.
Thursday, 17 January 2013 12:11

7 Steps to Getting Skinny

Have you ever thought about trying a cleanse? You will if you try the Seven Steps to Getting Skinny!
Thursday, 17 January 2013 12:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 23:00

Lisa Ann: Curing Her Disease Without Her Family

As a Naturopathic Doctor and cardiologist I split my time between heart and everything else about 60/40, so when a 16 year old with rheumatoid arthritis was coming in I wasn't surprised.

However when she showed up, I found a fluid-bloated young girl in a wheel chair.

Turns out she was maxed on medication including steroids and a drug which has a side effect of lymphoma. The mother was overweight with poor skin, the father refused to come saying that the daughter was already seeing the finest physicians in the world at the Mayo Clinic.

I did a brief physical and had an explanation that because of her food and life habits, along with environmental toxicity, her body had become allergic to her joints. The family although reasonably wealthy, lived on processed (junk) foods. The mother stated that the other two children where obese, and that the father although thin, had a heart attack before the age of fifty.

I explained to the mom that they had a toxic and sick house, and that all the junk food needed to go. I arranged for one of my interns to take the family to Whole Foods, and the mother started to cry.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 14 January 2013 12:11

Heart-Healthy Comfort Foods

Tips on how you can make comfort foods heart-healthy with 500 calories, or less.
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 03 January 2013 12:22

Calorie Confusion, Sneaky Workouts & More

Denise Austin, internationally renowned fitness expert, top-selling author & much sought-after speaker, talk about her newest book, Side Effect: Skinny.
Thursday, 03 January 2013 12:11

Side Effect: Skinny

Denise Austin, internationally renowned fitness expert, talks about her newest book, Side Effect: Skinny.
Monday, 24 December 2012 12:22

30 Day Vegan Challenge

A vegan diet may sound time consuming, intimidating and difficult. Although, the key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety. Are you up for the challenge?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 24 December 2012 12:00

Plant Based Diet: What Can it Do for You?

Can a plant-based diet control and even flip the direction of life-threatening diseases?
Published in Staying Well
Can you get your kids to enjoy healthier snacks? Yes, you can.
Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 17 December 2012 12:22

The Right Mindset for the Right Diet

Keeping yourself motivated while dieting or maintaining your weight can be a challenge. Here are tips for cutting back on sweets and other cravings.
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 13 December 2012 12:45

Guilt-free Holiday Eating

Looking forward to the holiday goodies but afraid to overindulge? Did you know you can actually eat the foods you love and still lose weight?
Stay slim during the holidays by following these suprisingly simple tips.
Thursday, 13 December 2012 12:22

The Dangers of Belly Fat

Millions of American's are overweight, but did you know that belly fat alone can cause serious health issues?
Thursday, 13 December 2012 12:11

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
Do you find yourself dealing with stress during the holidays? If so, you are not alone. Find out how to calm holiday stress naturally.
You may think your love or hate of certain healthy foods is hard-wired in your taste buds, but it may not be.
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 03 December 2012 12:00

Best Health Apps: Round-up & Reviews

We help you sort through the apps that can make your life healthier, happier and even stronger.
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 29 November 2012 03:45

Red Wine & Pomegranate Sangria

Red wine and pomegranate juice make this a festive adult drink, that's packed with anti-oxidants.
Published in Recipe
Tuesday, 27 November 2012 12:11

Eat More of These Holiday Favorite Superfoods

You'll be surprised how many of your holiday favorites are worth a second helping.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 27 November 2012 12:00

Lower Calorie Cocktail Options

If you like to have your party libations, but worry about the calories you're consuming, take heart, there are some lower calorie options you can choose.
Published in Train Your Body
As a cardiologist who specialized in prevention and the natural reversal of heart disease, I used to dread 1/12th of the year, December. Most outsiders to the profession do not know this, but for most cardiologists December is our busiest month.

There are a couple of reasons why, but the first issue is depression.

We know that depression or feeling "holiday blue" increases the risk of ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome) or heart attack.

The second reason, and the most modifiable, is holiday habits including nutrition. Holiday and nutrition, why do these words have to "cancel each other out"? When we hear the words "holiday and nutrition", we think immediately of sugar, overeating, and gaining weight.

So about ten years ago I put together a "holiday plan" for my non-diabetic, non-acute, (no immediate crisis) patients. Over ten years the patients who followed this did not gain weight, enjoyed food and fun, and had far more enjoyable holiday season then the ones that did not.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 26 November 2012 12:22

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Food poisoning is a serious risk for pregnant women and their infants.
Published in Staying Well
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