Despite exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, many of us experience difficulty in losing weight.

The reason for reaching this plateau, most of the time, is the slowing down of metabolism. When you have had the same workout regimen for a while, your body gets used to it, and despite working out and eating healthy, you start gaining weight or find it hard to lose any more weight.

In such situations, it’s helpful to use natural supplements that boost your metabolism. 

Before using natural weight loss boosters, it is important to know what they are and what to expect of them. Natural boosters are not a magic weight loss potion; rather, they help to enhance the effects of your exercise and diet. They aid in losing weight but are not a cause for weight loss by themselves. That being said, there are many boosters that can help you maintain or lose weight.

Keep reading for a list of some natural weight loss boosters...

Both coffee and tea have their benefits, but which is better? 

The debate continues…

As a tea connoisseur, my go-to beverage will always be tea. Tea has been a part of our global civilization for much longer, but coffee comes a close second in our choice of morning beverages. Teetotallers, like myself, will never cease to enlighten you about the benefits of a cup of warm tea to start your day, but coffee addicts are not far behind. 

At the crux of it all, however, lies the fact that we are all alike because of our need for caffeine every morning. Some like their coffee strong, while some others like it milder with milk and sugar. With the latter, most of the benefits of coffee are lost. It can happen with different varieties of tea as well, as I found out. But, even among the many variants of tea (green, oolong, black, and white), I find white tea most refreshing. Also, it has more health benefits than coffee.

Digestive woes are probably the most common problems people face today. Sedentary jobs, the ever-growing popularity of fast-food chains and processed food brands, along with our other erratic lifestyle choices, all work together to wreak havoc with our gut health.

Beginning your day with a cup of coffee, grabbing a wrap or a bagel for breakfast and indulging in a fiery meal for lunch while sitting plonked on your work desk may seem like your daily routine. You may often ignore the regular abdominal aches, the heartburns, and the occasional stomach upset thinking that they'll subside by popping pills and reaching out for antacids.

Little do you realize that these could be symptoms of serious gastrointestinal disorders that can even be life-threatening if left untreated. Issues like constipation, peptic ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, anal fissures, colitis and even colorectal cancer are growing at an alarming rate.