Thursday, 12 February 2015 10:22

Head-to-Toe Wellness: Connect Your Mind, Body & Soul

Wellness isn't just about focusing on your waistline.
If you hear the word wellness, you might think it means maintaining a healthy diet, going to the gym regularly, and maintaining a particular weight.

Even though these all might be a part of your physical wellness goal, you might be forgetting about your emotional and mental wellness.

"Head-to-toe wellness" means just that... working on yourself as a whole, and not focusing on one part of your body. Your body works best when everything is aligned, and working together as a whole. For example, if you have a positive mindset, more than likely your physical wellness will reflect that.

What are some ways to get started on head-to-toe wellness?

Paula Felps joins Dr. Mike to discuss what head-to-toe wellness means, as well as ways you can achieve positive health for your mind, body and soul.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1507ht4c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Paula Felps, Live Happy Science Editor
  • Guest Bio: Paula Felps Live Happy Science Editor Paula Felps has worked as a freelance writer and editor since 1998.

    Covering topics ranging from health and fitness to luxury cars and travel to business and technology, she has written for such publications and websites as Executive Travel, American Driver, Self, Reserve, HI Luxury, Go Magazine, Private Clubs, and

    She is the author of six published books and has served as ghostwriter or editor on nearly a dozen other book projects, ranging on topics from business to spirituality.

    In addition to her work as a writer and editor, Paula is an advocate for sexual abuse survivors and founded the Sexual Abuse Resource Network in 2011. When she isn't at her computer, she is probably practicing yoga or doing something with her two Boston terriers.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Mike Smith, MD