Health Benefits of Juicing with Arden’s Garden

Leslie Zinn, the founder of Atlanta juice chain Arden’s Garden, explains the benefits of juicing.

Leslie Zinn's mom, Arden Zinn, raised her children on fresh juice and instilled in them a passion for health and nutrition.

Leslie is passionate about children’s health, and under her leadership, Arden’s Garden has become one of the premier juice companies in the Southeast, recently opening their 13th retail store in the Atlanta area. 

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: sharecare/1513sc2b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Leslie Zinn
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @ArdensGardenATL
  • Guest Bio: Leslie-Ardens GardenThe daughter of Arden Zinn, Leslie grew up drinking all sorts of nutritional concoctions which instilled a deep-seeded passion for health and nutrition at a young age. Leslie graduated from Georgia Tech with a BA in Management in 1991 and became one of the founding partners of Arden’s Garden in 1995. She became CEO in 1999 with a mission to make healthy, affordable options convenient to the public.  Leslie is passionate about children’s health and prides herself on offering nutritious and appealing choices for kids. Married with four children, Leslie is most proud that she gave birth to super healthy kids at the tender ages of 35, 40, 42, and 46.  Leslie knows firsthand that drinking fresh juice keeps your body young and vibrant. Leslie is still Arden’s favorite “guinea pig” which leads to new product development and exciting new avenues for Arden’s Garden. She continues to lead and cultivate the company, distinguishing Arden’s Garden as the premier juice company in the Southeast. Arden’s Garden currently has 100 employees and just opened its 13th retail store in the Atlanta area.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Darria Long Gillespie, MD, MBA