Melissa Kathryn, CHN, has identified the primary personality components that act as obstacles to successful weight loss. When you can recognize these obstacles, you can break free of yo-yo dieting and self-sabotage.
According to Melissa, you can actually identify with all four types, but typically one is more dominant.
What are the four types?
If you fall into this category, you're likely a perpetual dieter. You put lots of restrictions around yourself and you have clearly labeled your good foods and bad foods. Avoiders are susceptible to trigger situations, such as a holiday or weekend, as well as trigger foods, which are based on emotions around those foods.
One bad decision leads to a multitude of bad decisions, which ultimately negates all of the hard work you've done.
In the end, you likely throw in the towel.
When you get to a point where you feel good about yourself and where your weight is at, you celebrate it. But once you recognize it, you immediately have to find a way to sabotage yourself.
So, for instance, if you've been really great about getting up early each morning to work out, and someone says to you, "Wow, you look really great," the next morning you might stay in bed.
If you're a rebel, you love the idea of being healthy. You follow all of your own rules, but somewhere along the way, you want to rebel against the rigidity.
You thrive on the routine, but then you rebel against it.
Like perfectionism in other areas of life, all your ducks are in a row. Like the rebel, you have very high standards, and you follow them to a T. But, when you fall off, you really fall off.
Once you identify which personality fits you, it's all about reconnecting to your body. Failure arises when you're just pushing for a specific result and not listening to your body and what it wants.
The three things you need to ask yourself are: What is the pattern? What are the triggers? What are the positive things you can do instead?
Listen in as Melissa joins Naturally Savvy hosts, Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, to share more about the personality diet, as well as the difference your specific personality can make in your weight loss efforts.
Listen in as Melissa joins Naturally Savvy hosts, Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, to share more about the personality diet, as well as the difference your specific personality can make in your weight loss efforts.