Thursday, 25 July 2013 14:22

Top 10 Nutrition Tips

Ten easy-to-follow tips for improving your nutritional state and well being.
These top 10 nutrition tips provide high quality, easy-to-follow strategies for improving your nutritional state and overall well-being.

They are perfect for posting on a refrigerator and sharing with your friends.

However, these tips and ideas are just a starting point. In this segment you will find a wealth of suggestions that can help you get started toward a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Dr. Kathy Gruver joins Dr. Mike to help you choose even just one change that you can make today and move toward a healthier you.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1330ht4c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD
  • Book Title: Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @klgruver
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Kathy Gruver is an award-winning author and the host of the national TV show based on her first book, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet. She has earned her PhD in Natural Health and has just authored her second book entitled Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker. Her third book, Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Therapies will be released shortly. She has studied mind/body medicine at the famed Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School and has been featured as an expert in countless publications including, Ladies Home Journal, Massage and Bodyworks Magazine and Massage Magazine. She has written dozens of health and wellness articles and contributing posts. She has appeared as a guest expert on over 100 radio and TV shows including NPR, CBS Radio and Lifetime Television and has done over 60 educational lectures around the country.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD