Every day you tell yourself this day will be different and you will be smarter about your food choices.
You start off on a good note, eating a well-balanced breakfast with essential nutrients and vitamins to get you though the morning commute.
However, somewhere between lunch and bed time, you've managed to beat yourself up for making unhealthy choices throughout your day.
Sometimes a debate takes place inside your head about the foods you should eat and the foods you actually did eat.
It's easy to beat yourself up about not sticking to a strict eating plan, but it's also not very healthy.
When you tell yourself certain foods are forbidden to eat, you're setting yourself for more temptation than if you were to allow yourself just a little bit of a cookie, a few chips, a small cheeseburger, etc.
What do you need to do in order to change this behavior?
The first step is recognizing the negativity with which you're associating food. Then, ask yourself if you are really hungry or if there is something else going on.
How does dieting play a role in your relationship with food?
Do you rebel?
Founder of The Metabolic Reset Program, Joyce Lillis, joins Dr. Holly to discuss why you should change your attitude toward your food and ways to silence your inner negativity towards food.
Selected Podcast
Stop the Torment: Change Your Attitude About Food

Joyce is the founder of The Metabolic Reset Program, a Certified Master Coach and a member of the International Federation of Coaching.
She has over 25 years of experience working with numerous Fortune 500 companies in technology and service areas. She became a Certified Master Coach through the Master Coach Program in Sydney, Australia, and started a specialized weight loss consulting business.
Joyce attended Raritan Valley College in Somerset, New Jersey. She now resides in Corte Madera, California.
Joyce Lillis, Certified Master Coach

She has over 25 years of experience working with numerous Fortune 500 companies in technology and service areas. She became a Certified Master Coach through the Master Coach Program in Sydney, Australia, and started a specialized weight loss consulting business.
Joyce attended Raritan Valley College in Somerset, New Jersey. She now resides in Corte Madera, California.