A Sauna a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

There are so many resources on gaining great health, and the Internet alone is full of helpful information. Everything from exercise, to the nuances of dieting (what to eat, where to buy it, how to cook it) can be researched by anyone.

Something that doesn’t get the attention it deserves, however, is passive healing through saunas. Spending time in a sauna may not feel like much is going on compared to working out at a gym, but the body does benefit from it.  

Saunas Have Greatly Improved

The use of heat and traditional sauna therapies goes back for centuries. Native Americans used sweat lodges for ceremonial and medicinal purposes. Today, the science behind saunas has progressed immensely. Modern saunas are equipped with technology that is much more effective for cleansing the body.  

One such improvement is the use of infrared light, which is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum. These powerful infrared waves can penetrate several inches into the skin and raise your core body temperature. As an added bonus, peripheral and vascular circulation is improved. This increased circulation helps respiration and the ability to sweat out toxins that are stored in fat and organs.  

Common Benefits of Sauna Therapy

Sauna users also benefit from a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. Combined with the improved circulation, your body experiences an increase of oxygenation for cells and less carbon dioxide. Using a sauna also:

  • Relieves stress
  • Relaxes your muscles and soothes aches and sores
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Helps relieve eczema, psoriasis, and acne

Finally, the use of infrared rays can lower back and upper body pain in place of ibuprofen and other medications

When trying out a sauna, stay no longer than 20 minutes. This is enough to gain all of the benefits without becoming too dehydrated.

And, on the topic of hydration, be sure to drink plenty of water after the sauna. If you begin feeling faint, it’s time to stop the sauna and step out.

Dr. Holly discusses the numerous benefits associated with using sauna therapies, as well as how to practice safety while using a sauna.