Control Freak? 10 Ways to Let Go

Why is there a pull to be in control?
If you're used to living your life your way, it's easy to want to hold onto control.

However, holding onto control can actually be a negative thing.

For example, if you become attached to specific outcomes and they don't go as planned, it might feel like an overall failure.

It IS true what they say about the best times of your life being unplanned, because there aren't such high expectations. When you allow things to happen on their own, it usually goes more smoothly.

Letting go of control means there's more room for freedom, the ability to fully live in the moment, and happiness.

Here are 10 ways to let go of control and embrace living in the moment:
  1. Use Imagery
  2. Write down what presence means to you
  3. Write down a fear list
  4. Ground yourself
  5. Use affirmations
  6. Embrace trust
  7. Reach out for support
  8. Perform "esteemable" acts
  9. Make a freedom list
  10. Internalize the notion you're not alone

Lauren Stahl, the founder of SPARKITE, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share more about these 10 ways to let go of control to embrace a happier life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: health_radio/1524ml4a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Lauren Stahl, Founder of SPARKITE
  • Guest Bio: Lauren Stahl PhotoLauren Stahl is a New York based Accountability Coach and the founder of SPARKITE. Here, users SPARK what they want to be held accountable to and she helps them to make the changes they desire.
  • Waiver Received: No