How Yoga Can Help Heal Your Trauma

How is yoga for survivors different than regular yoga?
If you've been through some kind of physical trauma, like a car accident, sexual violence, or military combat, you may have struggled with healing and coping with what happened.

As a victim of sexual violence, Lachrista Greco says it was very difficult to be "inside" her body and that therapy and medications weren't enough. She wanted to find a new, more holistic way of healing. That's what led her to yoga.

Even though she still stayed on medication and stuck with therapy sessions, after just a few months of practicing yoga, she noticed a difference in how she felt; emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Receiving her teaching training in yoga, Lachrista wanted to help others who experienced similar trauma.

How is yoga for survivors different than other types of yoga?

When you take a yoga class for specialized populations, like those who are victims of sexual violence or other types of trauma, the class is focused on reclaiming control over your body through breath and restorative/healing postures.

How can yoga help heal your trauma?

Lachrista, who is a writer, speaker, activist and now trauma-informed yoga instructor, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share her personal story of surviving sexual violence and how she's helping others heal from trauma.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: health_radio/1528ml4a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Lachrista Greco, Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor
  • Guest Bio: LGLachrista Greco is a writer, speaker, activist and trauma-informed yoga instructor as well as the founder of Guerrilla Feminism, the largest pro-intersectional feminist community online.

    She has a Master's in Women's & Gender Studies from DePaul University, and has published two books.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS