Thursday, 03 November 2016 19:08

A Lesson in Passion & Purpose

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Before you tune out, this post is not just about sports. 

I had a different blog planned for today, but I felt strongly about this message. 

If you haven't heard, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series on Wednesday night in an epic (literally epic) game seven. I could attempt to list all of the "hasn't happened since" moments, but just know it was a game for the books. 

I'm not a born Cubs fan. I'm actually a Minnesota Twins fan, good or bad, through it all. But, when this team got to the Series after not having won the whole thing for 108 years (yes, you read that correctly), my heart was with them. I didn't feel like I was betraying my team at all. And, I wasn't jumping on the Cubs bandwagon.

Rather, I was thankful to be a part of history.

I actually happened to be in Chicago last weekend when they were playing in the Series (as you can see from the photo collage). Serendipitously, I think, since I'd planned the trip months ago. 

P.S. Cubs fans are the best!

Again, I promise you, this is not about sports. It's about passion. 

Many of my close friends are true fans. It's what I love so much about them. When we're down and out with real-life events, we always have sports to bring us together as an escape of sorts. It's why I get up early every Sunday morning during the NFL season. Really early since they started playing games in London! 

Being invested in a team, win or lose, brings purpose.

That is a key part of life. Purpose. Passion. Having something outside of your typical day-to-day.

It doesn't have to be baseball or football or soccer. It could be anything. Maybe you're passionate about charity work. Knitting. Spreading the spiritual word. Cat videos. Working out. Philanthropy. Volunteering. Music. Comic books.

Whatever brings you joy.

Please, please... have something you can get behind. It takes you out of the daily doldrums.

These days, we could all use some of that.
Sylvia Anderson

Originally from Minnesota, Sylvia moved to California for the sun, sand and warm temperatures. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English and Communications, both of which she has put to good use in her work with RadioMD as Senior Editor.