What It Takes to Have a Miracle Mindset

Too often, people are content to live within the confines of a comfort zone.
Too often, people are content to live within the confines of their comfort zone.

But, if you're not scared, you're what author JJ Virgin calls "playing small." 

It's time to reframe your approach to fear. Being completely fearless is simply not achievable. However, your comfort zone can expand, but not unless you constantly challenge yourself. Your mindset is a muscle too; it needs constant training.

Are you hesitant to take action? Waiting for perfection is just a way to procrastinate. Even if you're not "ready," JJ says you should take courageous, inspired, imperfect action.

After all, the biggest part of success is knowing that you're going to fail, all along the way.

JJ joins host Lisa Davis to share her own journey into developing a miracle mindset, as well as how important forgiveness and gratitude is for living a happy, healthy life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt88.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: JJ Virgin, Author
  • Book Title: Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son & Life’s Hardest Lessons
  • Guest Facebook Account: www.facebook.com/JJVirginOfficial/
  • Guest Twitter Account: @jjvirgin
  • Guest Bio: JJ VirginCelebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin teaches clients how to lose weight and master their mindset so they can lead bigger, better lives. She is author of four NY Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet, and JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook.

    Her memoir, Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son & Life’s Hardest Lessons, explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit-and-run accident.

    JJ hosts the popular JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show podcast and regularly writes for Huffington Post, Rodale Wellness, and other major blogs and magazines. She’s also a frequent guest on TV and radio and speaks at major events.

    In addition to her work with nutrition and fitness, JJ is also a business coach and founded the premier health entrepreneur event and community, The Mindshare Summit.

    Find articles, recipes, helpful online programs, and more at www.jjvirgin.com.
  • Length (mins): 21:11
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Lisa Davis