Thursday, 02 May 2019 13:01

Head to Toe: How to Respond to These 4 Body Breaks

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The human body is designed to function well for a variety of purposes. However, injuries can occur that can impair normal activity and can leave the individual open to further health problems.

A break of any kind in the body is a cause for concern and a signal that you should take action to ensure proper healing. Here are a few common breaks and what you can do to repair them.

Broken Skin
The skin possesses an almost miraculous ability to regenerate itself. Cuts and scrapes that cause bleeding should be carefully cleaned with soap and water. You should then apply an antiseptic cream and cover the area with a bandage to keep the wound clean as it heals. For severe bleeding, cover the wound with a clean cloth and apply pressure while you seek immediate medical attention. Sutures may be necessary to repair deeper wounds.

Broken Nose
Getting a broken nose is a common experience during athletic activities. An individual may experience pain, bleeding from the nose, swelling, and even blackened areas around the eyes. A minor fracture may not require more than evaluation by a physician, icing and over-the-counter pain relievers. However, some breaks may require manual adjustment or surgery. If pain and swelling last longer than about three days or the bleeding doesn’t stop, be sure to seek medical care.

Broken Tooth
A broken tooth can result from biting down on something hard, a fall or a hard blow to the face. Fracturing a tooth can be an upsetting experience, but today’s dentistry offers a number of solutions to help restore your smile. Bonding, veneers and crowns can be applied to match the rest of your teeth. If the tooth itself is severely damaged, a root canal may be necessary. If you find yourself in a broken tooth situation, get yourself to an emergency dentist as soon as possible to prevent further damage, discomfort, and pain.

Broken Bones
Generally, broken bones need medical treatment to ensure that the bone is set properly for good healing. You can suspect a broken bone if there is pain, swelling, deformity or inability to put weight on the extremity. Breaking a toe is a common occurrence that may not require applying a cast. Simply taping the injured toe to the next toe will provide enough support during healing, which can take up to several weeks. If you suspect your bone is broken, seek medical care as soon as possible.

Hopefully, any injuries to your body will be minor and can be easily repaired with simple first aid measures or professional care. However, when excessive bleeding, severe pain or loss of function occurs, it’s important to get medical attention quickly. Taking good care of your bones will ensure they provide good service throughout your life.