Friday, 10 May 2019 14:17

7 All-Natural Beauty Tips for Any Skin Type

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Nature contains powerful compounds that slow down the aging process and increase your strength so you have the energy to live each day to the fullest.

If you’ve been looking for an alternative skin care routine that doesn’t require fancy products and invasive cosmetic procedures, then this article is for you. These tips will help transform you into a timeless beauty, and they are simple tips that anybody can apply.

Age Gracefully with Antioxidants

Avoid harsh chemicals and invasive procedures and work with antioxidants instead. Nature holds rich, effective antioxidants that your body needs to get rid of toxins and to strengthen the immune system against skin infections and other ailments. Try using pullulan, a natural skincare serum that softens your skin and restores its natural glow.

Hydrate Dry Skin with Coconut Water

What’s the first thing you put into your body in the morning when you wake up? If you haven’t tried coconut water, this might be the time. Start your days with a glass of coconut water, and eat more coconut, olives, salmon, and avocado. These foods contain ingredients the skin needs to stay healthy.

Eliminate Tired, Puffy Eyes with Chilled Tea Bags

Steep a couple of tea bags, preferably green or black, in hot water for 30 seconds. Then, put the bags in a bowl and place them in the refrigerator to chill. Once chilled, take them out and place them on your eyelids for 10 minutes. Do this regularly to get rid of tired eyes.

Get a Natural Facelift with Simple Yoga Poses

If you’re practicing yoga, then your body already has better circulation, high energy, and vitality. Enhanced blood flow will keep your skin extra smooth by facilitating the transport of essential nutrients to the skin, and the removal of toxins. One of the easiest poses is the Downward Dog, which requires you to get on the floor with hands and knees and then straighten your legs. Do this for five minutes every day for added strength, balance, and of course, improved circulation.

Get Soft, Kissable Skin with a Natural Pomegranate, Raspberry and Sweet Almond Oil Blend

Combine natural oils to get your own skin care product; in this case, you’re making an antioxidant-rich blend of pomegranate oil, almond oil, and raspberry seeds. Mix the ingredients together, place a few drops in your hands, and using your fingertips, apply the oil on your face, targeting dry areas and where you have visible aging lines. Do this regularly for smoother, healthier skin.

Use Raspberries and Coconut Oil for Brighter Lips

In a small saucepan, heat one tablespoon of coconut oil until it liquefies. Once the oil turns into liquid, add a few raspberries and mash them. Mix them up until you have a smooth mixture and then put in a small container and freeze until firm. Using clean hands, smooth over dry lips.

Watch What You Put Inside Your Body Too

If you’re going to turn back the clock on aging, then diet is going to be a major factor. “You are what we eat” is something we hear often but tend to ignore. Remember, most of the cells in your body will die and be replaced within a short time, and if you’re eating bad food, then you’re going create an unhealthier version of your current self. However, by changing your diet to include only healthy food and plenty of water, your body will be transformed.

Avoid fatty, processed foods or sodium-rich products and instead eat more fresh greens, fruit, and hydrate. It’s really the basics that matter most. Using antioxidants can only do so much if you're continually piling on lousy food.