Monday, 24 June 2019 12:32

How Do Allergies Affect Your Heart?

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Although allergies do not cause heart disease, there is a correlation between the two. According to several studies, common allergies and cardiovascular diseases are connected, with the latter being the leading cause of death in countries such as the United States.

What researchers found was that with wheezing comes an increased risk of heart disease, while rhinoconjunctivitis, a combination of allergic symptoms such as runny nose and itchy, watery eyes, came with a 40% higher chance of heart disease, which was particularly noticeable in tested women who were under 50.

So, the question arises: How exactly do allergies affect your heart? Let’s find out.

Allergies Weaken Your Immune System

Allergic diseases are very common nowadays, and by taking a closer look at our family’s medical history, you can easily determine whether you’re prone to developing them. Although some allergy symptoms are mild and can be dealt with without meddling with our everyday lives, others can be quite serious such as anaphylaxis, which can be fatal in some cases. Allergies have a strong impact on our immune system and lungs, and their effect doubles if you are suffering from asthma.

Common allergens include particles present in the air and the environment such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and molds, all of which can trigger an allergic reaction. However, that doesn’t mean that your immune system is weak. It just means that your body responds too strongly to something it recognizes as a pathogen, even though the substance itself is harmless. That being said, long exposure to triggering allergens can weaken your immune system and cause a series of health problems.

Allergies Weaken Your Heart and Arteries

When exposed to allergens, the immune system may overreact and start producing antibodies that attack the allergen, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms. The thing is, many of us don’t take their condition seriously, with many addressing symptoms such as bronchial inflammation as a seasonal ailment. However, it’s best to have yourself checked for allergies and see whether there is a need for therapeutic measures to relieve your heart and immune system from an unnecessary burden. Being exposed to allergens over a long period of time may result in deteriorating health, lung disease, and weakening of the heart muscle. When combined with physical stress, it can lead to the inflammation of the heart muscle.

To make sure you remove the allergens from the indoor air and ensure your home’s air quality is optimal, consider getting air purifiers for allergies – other than clearing the air, they will filter out even the smallest of airborne allergens, leaving your indoor air sans dust, mold, pet dander, or pollen.

How to Treat Your Allergies

Once your body comes into contact with the particles and substances that trigger the allergy, it starts producing histamines. Those chemicals are the ones responsible for your runny nose and eyes, itchy mouth, and the swelling of the tissue in your nose. Sometimes, you might even get hives – a very itchy skin rash. A good way to treat your allergies is by using antihistamines. As the name itself suggests, they fight histamines by reducing or blocking them, eventually stopping allergy symptoms. However, it would be best to combine antihistamines with a natural approach in order to get the best results. Turmeric has been shown to be an effective home remedy for allergies, although garlic, honey, and ginger can all be helpful in combating allergic symptoms.

Self-Care: Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Another way to fight allergies is to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet. Loading up on anti-inflammatory foods rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids to help protect your body against inflammation. Plant foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds will provide your body with enough antioxidants needed for lowering your inflammation levels while eating small, migratory fish you can make sure you get enough fatty acids. You can also take supplements such as fish oil or squid supplements instead of eating fish, as they are often more convenient options. As for the vegetarians, chia seeds and walnuts are a great alternative for enriching the body with healthy fats. Also, be sure to take at least two tablespoons of olive oil – with its tremendous antioxidant power, you’re sure to boost your immune system in no time.

After extensive research, it was concluded that the inflammation that follows allergies is the one to blame for the artery walls becoming thicker, which eventually leads to heart disease. With the chronic impact allergies have on the heart and the cardiovascular system, it’s essential to take proper measures. By treating your allergies combining both the conventional and an alternative approach, as well as adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, you’re sure to improve your quality of life during allergy seasons.