Thursday, 18 July 2019 14:36

Become a Probiotic Pro to Keep All-Year Wellness on Track

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Living life is hectic -- especially as we head into the "holiday" seasons.

Between traveling with family and balancing responsibilities at home and work, our active schedules can challenge our immune system. Visiting new locations, and eating local food can expose us to different bacteria, putting you at risk for traveler’s diarrhea or getting sick. 

That’s why taking probiotics is an essential step in your daily routine.

Most people think of probiotics for improved digestion, but don’t realize they have benefits for immune health. Selecting the right probiotics can help you meet these challenges brought on by busy days. Since there are numerous probiotics to choose from that promise similar results, how do you go about picking the right probiotic?

Understanding the Microbiome
The microbiome is the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body. With trillions of microbes affecting bodily functions, it’s essential to maintain these microorganisms in the proper balances, especially making sure our beneficial bacteria are thriving, because we have about 10 times more of them than our own cells. Most beneficial bacteria reside in the large intestine, influencing the body’s inflammatory response, immunity, heart health, cognitive function and mood. Because our gut microbiome is so important, but is always changing and often challenged by our exposures, it’s important to support our beneficial flora with probiotic supplements.

Differing Probiotic Needs
Factors such as our diet, age, gender, frequency of travel and even working environments can impact the microbiome, and the form of supplements we take to support this ecosystem should meet high quality standards and be specific for individual needs, especially as relates to age. Scientists are still working to understand the full impact the microbiome has on overall health, but for now one thing’s clear: a healthy microbiome makes for a healthy person.

Choosing the Right Probiotic
Recognizing the challenge of maintaining a healthy microbiome, product quality is a big consideration for me. I recommend Kyo-Dophilus Probiotics to my patients, because they provide guaranteed potency, and viability of the probiotics through the expiration date. This means they will have efficacy and maintain stability. Not many companies validate that for their products. In addition, they use clinically studied probiotic strains and have developed products for various stages of life. Kyo-Dophilus Probiotics are easy to use during summer travel because they do not require refrigeration; a big benefit for the summer specifically.

Kyo-Dophilus Probiotics include formulas to improve the health of every family member, from Kids Probiotic to Fifty+ Probiotic. All formulas start with a clinically studied, proprietary blend of strains labeled as, “The Friendly Trio,” (Lactobacillus gasseri KS-13, Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1 and Bifidobacterium longum MM-2), which can support a healthy microbiome, leading to improved digestion and immune benefits, including reduced risk for getting traveler’s diarrhea, and well as reduce susceptibility to colds and flu and even seasonal allergy symptoms. The Kids Probiotic contains strains that have been shown to be beneficial for children, at dosages that are appropriate for children, in a tasty, chewable tablet that is easy to take.

As a resource, offers more information, and you can also ask me specific questions here. This website is a great way to understand how probiotics work and which are appropriate to take and when. It also provides a survey you can take to determine the probiotic supplements that will best suit you and your family’s needs this season -- and every season.