Encore Episode: What Diet Trends Are Dangerous For Your Heart?

The current population in the United States is the first society in history that is simultaneously overweight and malnourished.

Back in the 70s, obesity skyrocketed because organizations like the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology promoted low-fat diets and low-fat foods that replaced fats with sugar and processed carbohydrates. 

We often hear that low-fat diets, low cholesterol diets, and veganism can help you lose weight and get healthy. However, these diets are often bad for your heart. Humans need good HDL cholesterol, healthy fats, and certain vitamins found in animal products like B12 and D in order to function. By skipping these food groups, you’re actually more prone to heart disease and obesity.

Listen as cardiologist Barbara Hudson Roberts joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss diets and heart health.
Encore Episode: What Diet Trends Are Dangerous For Your Heart?
Barbara Hudson Roberts, MD
Screen Shot 2019-12-09 at 2.19.06 PMBarbara Hudson Roberts, MD, was the first female adult cardiologist in the state of Rhode Island. She graduated from Barnard College and Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. As a resident at Yale New Haven Hospital, she became active in the pro-choice movement, before Roe v Wade made abortion legal. She helped found the Women’s National Abortion Action Coalition (WONAAC) and was the keynote speaker at the first national pro-choice demonstration in Washington DC in November 1971. She also was active in the anti-Vietnam War movement and spoke at the last mass anti-war demonstration on the grounds of the Washington Monument on the day of Nixon’s inauguration in 1973. She was a staff physician at Planned Parenthood for many years and continues on the voluntary faculty at Brown where she is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine.