
Dropping Acid: Th­e Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure
Featured Speaker: Jamie Koufman, MD
Lean, clean, green and alkaline is the key to curing your acid reflux.
Foods to Fight Insulin Resistance, Pre-Diabetes & Diabetes
Featured Speaker: Steven Masley, MD
Which foods can help prevent pre-diabetes and diabetes?
Bone Broth Diet: Happy, Healthy & Slim
Featured Speaker: Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND
Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before.
Local Farms & CSA Programs
Featured Speaker: Mary Brower
A piece of the farmers' market puzzle includes CSA programs or "community supported agriculture."
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?
Featured Speaker: Michelle Dudash, Chef & Clean Eating Expert
Vitamin D is so essential for optimal health, but many individuals are simply not getting enough and are considered deficient.
The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan
Featured Speaker: Laura Kelly, DAOM
Learn more about the natural, effective, and safe approach to conserving bone mass and building healthy bones.
Healthy Food Shopping 101
Featured Speaker: Ramona Fasula
Learn some simple tips to make your healthy eating quest more doable.
5 Substitutions to Fulfill Your Sweet Tooth
Featured Speaker: Caryn Fine Sullivan
If you have a sweet tooth, giving up your favorite tweaks for the sake of health may seem impossible.
The Kitchen Ecosystem
Featured Speaker: Eugenia Bone
How can you create your own kitchen ecosystem?
Many Uses of Xylitol
Featured Speaker: Beverly Vines-Haines & Charlotte Clary
If you have a sweet tooth, xylitol can be a healthier alternative.
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