Wednesday, 15 August 2018 23:24

7 Tips for Caring for Elderly Patients

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Travel nurses work with people from all walks of life and all ages as well. While some nurses stick to their specialties (like pediatric nurses), others work with young adults to the elderly. 

Within this group, nurses may find it a little difficult to care for elderly patients for a number of different reasons. They may have trouble speaking or articulating themselves, they may have unique health issues that take longer to diagnose and care for, or they may have hearing loss, impaired vision, or even memory issues due to dementia or Alzheimer's disease. 

What's more, elderly patients are often subject to more sensitive topics such as end-of-life care, which can lead to delicate conversations or assumptions about a patient's abilities that can result in hurt feelings, fear, and other negative scenarios.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 23:07

Lifestyle Tips for Fighting Adult Acne

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Between 12 and 22 percent of adult women have acne, despite the common perception it’s a teenage affliction. 

However, adult acne often differs from adolescent acne, because it’s typically hormonal in nature rather than a result of clogged pores or overproduction of sebum, the oil the skin creates. 

There are a wide variety of adult acne cures on the market, from antibiotics and contraception to radiofrequency laser treatments. While all these products can help acne, there are fixes that are easier and more natural that you can try first.
Thursday, 09 August 2018 15:09

Increase Senior Life Expectancy by Minimizing Stress

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Stress is something we all deal with on a regular basis, but we usually don’t realize just how detrimental it can be to our health.

In particular, stress can be very problematic for seniors, who are already dealing with other health challenges that come along with getting older.

Seniors looking to increase their life expectancy and live a happier, more comfortable life should focus on reducing their stress levels, particularly if they are living in senior homes or memory care homes.

Here are some ways that seniors can reduce the stress they experience on a daily basis.

One would assume as a registered dietician my children naturally gravitate toward foods enriched in vitamins and nutrients. In my dreams, perhaps. The reality is it can still be a struggle at times to make meals that are balanced and as green that they should be.

As I tell patients at CHOC Children's, ensuring your family eats right, starts way before any meal hits the table. For me, it begins during my weekly trip to the supermarket. I know anything purchased then will directly impact the food choices my kids make for the next seven days. This is especially true for my younger ones who eat most of their meals at home or from packed lunches.

Admittedly, I can’t manage every morsel of food that goes in my children’s mouth. Nor should I. What I can do, however, is provide balanced meals and a kitchen stocked with healthy foods, so when they are older – or in that I call the “grab-n-go” stage – they’re incline to make better choice. Until then, here the 10 basic rule from which I operate my kitchen and advise my patients.

There’s crash dieting, and then there’s intermittent fasting. 

Crash diets aren’t sustainable and rarely factor in healthy food options. Intermittent fasting on the other hand is gaining attention because people are seeing weight come off, and therefore stay with it. It’s being touted as the go-to way to lose 15, 20 pounds within a month or two. 

Is it just a popular hashtag or can the weight actually stay off leading millions of people to reach their weight goals? 

To get clarity, we turned to Dr. Niket Sonpal who not only is Board Certified in Internal Medicine specializing in Gastroenterology but lost eight pounds his first week of intermittent fasting when he decided to do it himself.

With back-to-school season approaching, a familiar foe for many parents is also returning from summer break: school lunches.

Most parents would love to send their children off to school every day with a healthy and nutritious lunch. But, many are stumped about what to pack to ensure kids get the nutrients they need and that the carefully prepared meal doesn’t get tossed for cookies and chips.

Fear not: What follows are the building blocks of a healthy school lunch, that when combined will offer flavor, color, nutrition and fun for children of all ages; some tips that will make packing school lunches less tedious for parents; and a recipe that kids will surely love.
Friday, 27 July 2018 18:00

Keeping Kids Safe as They Walk to School

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Soon, sidewalks nationwide will be dotted with the familiar sight of children and their backpacks navigating their way to school in the early morning hours.

Allowing a child to walk to school alone can be a healthy option for both parents and their children. It teaches children independence and responsibility, and provides an opportunity for physical activity. 

That said, safety is critical when it comes to heading to school or anywhere on foot. After all, unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth-leading cause of injury-related death in the United States for children ages 5 to 19. Every day, 44 children are hit by cars while walking in the United States.

So, before your children sling on their backpacks and head out to door, introduce them to the “rules of the road.”
Friday, 20 July 2018 15:45

Why Stress Is a Beauty Buster

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Stress. We all have it but some of us deal with it better than others. 

If you look at any recent United States President from their first day in office until their last, you will see that all aged appreciably in only four years. 

Why? Because carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders took its toll on their appearance. Even if you’re just an everyday lady boss or Mom trying to make her way in the world, stress can cause you to age before your time. 

Here’s how and why according to New York Neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez.
Monday, 09 July 2018 13:58

Losing Weight with Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent fasting is one of the latest weight-loss plans to hit the Internet, promising fast results without the rigor of more strict diets. 

With intermittent fasting, you are encouraged to eat normally most of the time while severely restricting calories once or twice per week. Some plans include a splurge day, allowing participants to eat their favorite high-calorie foods guilt-free. 

While around half of participants drop out of popular weight loss programs, intermittent fasting has only a 38% dropout rate. This eating pattern is thought not only to encourage you to take in fewer calories than you burn but also to slow the metabolism and decrease appetite. 

However, intermittent fasting isn't without its pitfalls. Here are the pros and cons of cutting back on calories a couple of times a week.
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 14:20

How to Pack a Summertime Picnic

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Simply moving a meal from the kitchen table to a blanket on the ground magically makes mealtime more fun.

That is the power of a picnic! 

Whether you choose to set up close to home in the yard or while out and about at the pool or park, be prepared for a safe and tasty picnic with these tried-and-true tips.

Since January, we’ve been bombarded with ads urging us to slim down and “get your body in shape by summer” or “lose weight by Memorial Day.” 

While some women manage to meet their weight loss goals in time to feel confident in their swimsuit, the majority of us don’t. 

We can disguise unwanted pounds in heavy layers during winter, but in summer there’s nowhere to hide when you’re invited to that pool side BBQ. 

Why should we have to hide?
Thursday, 28 June 2018 13:21

7 Blurry Vision Eye Problems & How to Address Them

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Today’s lifestyle has become much more competitive and fast-paced. We don’t even have enough time to do the things we want to and 24 hours in a day just doesn’t seem to be enough.

Our stressful jobs and long working hours seem like the norms of an average working person. But, this lifestyle often has some serious consequences to your health. 

One of these consequences is blurry vision.
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