If you sometimes cringe at photos of yourself, or wish you could fit into those bargain smaller size jeans you bought in optimism, you’re not alone. 

The CDC reports that over a third of Americans are obese. In a real-world scenario, among the workplace, parks and grocery stores, over a third of the people you see are likely to be heavier than ideal. 

However, picture-perfect Facebook and Instagram accounts remind us every day of sun-kissed lean bodies. Somehow that has become the new normal. 

It’s incredibly difficult to see through other people’s carefully filtered posts and view our own bodies clearly and kindly. And yet, it’s so important that we do, because -- believe it or not -- stress can actually sabotage weight loss.
Monday, 09 April 2018 18:23

Benefits of Equine-Assisted Therapy

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Horses are majestic creatures. 

Just being around them is enough to give you a sense of peaceful relaxation. Those who own horses glean the stress-reducing benefits that come along with caring for these animals. 

And now, even people who don’t own horses can experience therapeutic benefits through Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAP).
Monday, 02 April 2018 20:50

7 Non-Workouts for the Person Who Hates Working Out

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Sometimes, working out feels more like a boring chore you have to do than something that is good for you. It's no surprise such an attitude takes all the fun out of it. 

Whether because of a busy lifestyle or constantly trying to catch up with everything you need to do (sometimes there just aren’t enough days in a week), you get so tired that exercising is literally the last thing you want to do. 

Here are some great anti-workout workouts for those who don't feel like exercising… or just plain hate it.
Monday, 02 April 2018 20:26

Enzymes & Probiotics: A Quick Digestive Guide

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One of the greatest areas of confusion around supporting digestive health is the difference between supplemental digestive enzymes and probiotics. 

Both offer incredible benefits when taken correctly, for the correct reasons. 

But, here is the thing. Most people with digestive complaints like gas and bloating may not be taking the type of product that really works to provide relief.
Saturday, 31 March 2018 13:26

Have the Jitters? Surprising Triggers that Cause Anxiety

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Anxiety is a mental illness that disrupts daily life causing feelings of impending doom along with unwanted thoughts and unpleasant physical symptoms. 

Some people are more predisposed to anxiety than others. Did you know that there are “external” factors/habits in our daily lives that can increase anxiety? 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez shares surprising things that could be causing anxiety. You may see several on this list that are causing jitters in your own life.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 22:36

DVT: Tips to Combat the Dangerous "Sitting Disease"

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Did you know that people who sit for less than 30 minutes at a time have the lowest risk of an early death? 

Leading a sedentary lifestyle has been linked to so many health problems, including cardiovascular disease and cancer, that it makes laying on the couch and binge-watching your favorite show way less appealing. 

It is also a major risk factor for a potentially fatal condition known as Deep-Vein Thrombosis.
Monday, 26 March 2018 19:30

High Anxiety: 5 Things that Set Us Off & What to Do

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Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. 

It's future thinking in a negative way. 

While it’s normal to have concerns from time to time, chronic anxiety leads to loss of appetite, insomnia, compromised immunity and other diseases. 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, shares five common anxiety triggers and offers insights and tips for what we can do to get back into ease.
Monday, 19 March 2018 20:04

7 Tips to Keep Firm in a Marriage Relationship

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You’re deeply in love with your partner –- and you always see your marriage as one of the best things that happened in your lifetime.

You picture yourself and the love of your life living a happy life together and want your marriage to stay as strong as possible.

For that reason alone, here are the seven tips to remember to keep firm in a marriage relationship.
Monday, 19 March 2018 18:37

Health Screening Checklist: Are You Due?

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To make sure we age like the fine wine we want to be, it’s important for both men and women to have regular health exams. 

Hims recommends the following preventative screening tests men and women need to have throughout their life.

20s – 30s Screenings:
Blood pressure – every 3-5 years
Cholesterol – every 5 years, more frequently if at risk for heart disease
Diabetes – if BMI over 25
STD – depending on risk factors
Pelvic exam and pap smear – every 3 years
Monday, 19 March 2018 18:20

4 Healthy, All-Natural Alternatives to Smoking

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Do you enjoy smoking but despise the negative health effects? Do you find that vaping nicotine as a smoking alternative just isn’t cutting it for you? 

Don’t fret. Take the healthy path instead. 

These four smoking and vaping alternatives are much safer. They’re also completely natural.
Friday, 16 March 2018 12:23

6 Ways to Burn Your Fat Fast

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Losing weight can be difficult for some, easy for others. There's no rule from which we can determine who is going to love working out and who is going to evade it constantly. 

What I can do, however, is help those that are having a tough time starting or continuing their workouts.

What do you need to do to lose weight and burn fat fast? How can you complement your workouts? Here are six ways to burn your fat fast.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018 16:17

Have Asthma? 4 Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

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For those that have asthma, it is important to reduce the triggers that aggravate it as much as possible. The best place to start is with the home. 

The home, where asthmatics spend the most time, may have more asthma triggers than you realize. 

Here are four ways to improve the air quality in your home to make life easier, and healthier, for both asthmatics and non-asthmatics alike.
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