Tuesday, 23 January 2018 20:48

6 Different Ways to Make 2018 About Self-Improvement

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Even if you’re not a New Year’s Resolution type of person, something about the season makes it the perfect time to focus on bettering your life. 

Improving yourself is a lifelong endeavor, and it’s likely that those goals will change over the years. 

Instead of thinking about what you think needs improvement, focus on self-care and wellness. “Improving” yourself can be a dangerous mindset because we so often think about the physical body and validation from others. Real self-improvement is steeped in self-care and improves more than just the body.
Tuesday, 23 January 2018 20:39

8 Benefits that Prove the Importance of Braces

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The procedure of getting dental braces might seem daunting, but the benefits they offer make the entire process worth the trouble.

While most people associate the benefits of braces to cosmetic benefits, braces provide more than a beautiful smile.

Take a look at the various benefits braces have to offer.
Monday, 22 January 2018 18:30

Hair Tips for Girls with Curls

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People with wavy or curly hair are always looking for new products, tips and tricks to lock in their desired look. 

Whether they want to blow it straight, create looser curls or maximize their tighter coils, Maya Smith, Celebrity Hair Stylist, salon owner and creator of The Doux, the “Indie” hair care line with cult following which is now at Target, is truly the master. 

Here she shares her best tips for girls with curls who want to revel in their natural hair and create a style they love.
Monday, 08 January 2018 16:32

10 Healthier Substitutes to Your Favorite Junk Food

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Indulgent foods are named so for a reason. They taste great, but they can result in a bulging tummy. 

If you want to fulfill your longing for these treats without expanding your waistline, here are 10 healthier alternatives to some favorite junk foods and comfort foods.
Friday, 05 January 2018 00:25

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

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Every year we begin a new year resolving to do (or quit doing) something and expect to be the game changer in our lives. 

For some, it’s to workout, lose weight, and cut out all carbs and sweets. For others, it’s a promise to save more money and get finances on track. 

Regardless of what you resolve to do, according to Dr. Sanam Hafeez, there is a way to set yourself up for failure or success. 

The mindset we are in when deciding on a resolution determines ita stickiness. 

Here are some key insights on how to make New Year’s Resolutions that stick.
Thursday, 04 January 2018 22:41

Effective Tips to Keep Your Cool During Meltdowns & Defiance

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Connecting in a warm, loving way to your children when they act out takes tremendous patience. 

But, research shows that parents who have high levels of warmth and connection along with high expectations are the most likely to end up with happy, well-adjusted children. 

Unfortunately, this can be easier said than done. In dealing with real children, in real life, it often seems like we have to choose: Do we maintain our connection, or do we enforce that boundary?

If you’re a parent who is committed to respectful parenting, how do you maintain those boundaries when your toddlers and preschool-aged children push back?
Thursday, 04 January 2018 22:29

8 Natural & Effective Ways to Lower Your Daily Stress

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Stress and anxiety are all too common for nearly everyone.

In recent times, 70% of adults in the United States share that they experience stress and anxiety on a daily basis.

While some may come to accept the angst as normal, there are effective ways to address it.

‘Tis the season to make grand gestures and promises that might not be kept until the end of 2018. 

Vowing to give up alcohol is a popular New Year’s resolution, and focusing on the benefits that come with it can help you make it stick. 

If you’re considering becoming a teetotaler for 2018, or just decreasing the amount you drink, you’ll be in good company. 

However, by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around, you might need a few reminders on why your resolution is so good for you.

Keep in mind that alcohol is actually the most dangerous drug in North America. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s not a drug (caffeine is arguably the most used drug). 

Alcohol is related to harmful traffic accidents more than any other type of drug. While it’s easier than ever to depend on a designated driver thanks to car-sharing apps, it’s just one of many reasons you might want to give up drinking and get a fresh start.

Here are seven more:
Thursday, 14 December 2017 20:26

12 Fast Facts on Sexual Assault

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In the wake of accusations against Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Harvey Weinstein and other powerful notable public figures from entertainment and politics, sexual assault is a hot topic in the news and on social media. 

Many argue that not enough is being done to protect women inspiring a “me too” campaign which has spread on social media inspiring women to share an incidence of inappropriate sexual advances. 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, is incredibly passionate about the topic given she sees the negative long-term consequences of sexual assault. 

In this open honest, Q&A Dr. Hafeez shares insights to offer clarity and help drive the conversation forward.
Thursday, 14 December 2017 19:42

Seniors Go Gluten-Free

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As awareness of gluten issues grow, more and more people –- including seniors –- are being diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten allergies.

While learning to live a gluten-free lifestyle can be daunting to anyone, it provides unique challenges to seniors over age 65.

Here, we address some challenges seniors going gluten-free may grapple with.
Thursday, 14 December 2017 11:51

Vitamins & Minerals for Healthy Hair

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Wondering why your hair seems to be so dull, brittle and lifeless lately? 

Maybe your diet is the problem. 

Your hair actually requires all sorts of minerals and vitamins to reach its full potential, but given the hectic, fast paced lifestyles so many of us lead nowadays, it is not always possible to supply our precious locks with all the nutrients they need. 

This is where vitamin and mineral supplements come in. 

In this post, we explore all the main minerals and vitamins that go into creating a full, healthy head of hair, and how you can make them a regular feature of your life – whether by taking a supplement, or changing your diet.

While many people think “old” when they think arthritis, millions of young women live with autoimmune forms of arthritis. 

The most common form, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is 2-3 times more likely to occur in women. 

RA is not a disease of older adults. Rather, most are diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50, though RA can start at an earlier or later age. Therefore, RA affects women during their key childbearing years.
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