Thursday, 04 August 2016 18:42

Recipe Round-Up: Stay Cool with 10 Yummy Popsicles

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The sunny, long days of summer combined with the thought of frozen treats can awaken the child-like excitement inside each one of us.

Popsicles are magnificent portable summer snacks for all ages. You can buy them, of course, but it’s arguably more fun (and healthier) to make them at home. It involves a little patience while waiting for them to freeze, but that’s what swimming pools or slip and slides are for.

We scavenged through several food blogs to find the top ten recipes... hopefully you will find a new favorite.

Not only will these recipes satisfy your summer cravings, but also provide some nutrients and benefits you may not expect. A few are rich in fiber, while others give you a protein boost and are naturally filled with vitamins and minerals.

The best part of popsicle making is that it takes hardly any skills whatsoever. If you can mix and pour, you are an expert. More importantly, if you can taste and critique it, you’ve just upgraded to a popsicle connoisseur.
Tuesday, 02 August 2016 23:46

Cancer Moonshot Initiative: 3 Things You Need to Know

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In May 2015, Vice President Joe Biden lost his son Beau Biden to a fight against brain cancer.

He was only 46 years old, and had served as the Delaware attorney general, and also served in the Army National Guard.

Crushed by the loss of his eldest son, VP Biden responded shortly after with a nationwide initiative that will eventually help others battling cancer, and lessen the number of families suffering after the loss of a loved one.

The National Cancer Moonshot 2020 is an initiative that aims to change the way we see and deal with cancer. With additional efforts, a noteworthy budget, and all hands on deck by 2020, the initiative will be capable of moving mountains in terms of where we are in cancer research. Our nation will again be able to do things that we once thought were impossible… just like landing on the moon.
Thursday, 28 July 2016 18:41

The Angels Appeared: How I Was Led to My Life Calling

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Have you ever looked back on childhood and realized that you were being given divine guidance at a young age? Perhaps it was even clearer to you then and now you are again looking for the same peace and clarity you felt then.

Over the years, your spirit is always in the creative mode, forming a pathway toward the divine unfolding of your soul’s journey. Your inner guidance responds to your requests and desires by attracting the pieces and the people into your life that will help you grow and find purpose.

Into your twenties... thirties... forties... and onward, you will ultimately witness the perfect alignment of God’s hand in your life, even when through the most challenging times. As you seek supernatural inspiration, it will emerge in perfect time.
Thursday, 28 July 2016 13:54

A Walk in Nature Can Cure All Things

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When is the last time you explored a new nature trail? 

Research says spending time outside and being close to nature is good for your health. As a matter of fact, simple walks in green parks can lift your mood considerably and help with treating mild depression… perfect reasons to start planning some hikes, even if they are short, one-day hikes.

Each day’s adventure requires some real work and preparation. Once you’ve picked the trail, you can easily make a list of essential items to bring along. For me, that list always starts with the same five things. I will never go without these items for safety reasons, as well as to ensure an enjoyable and memorable trip.
Thursday, 28 July 2016 13:07

10 Tips for Fighting Fair with Your Teens

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Parents can turn disagreements with their teens into teachable moments by being fair and not losing their cool.

“Even though teens tend to be unreasonable, don’t let your teen push your buttons in those heated moments,” says Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD, a pediatric psychologist at Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. “Their raging hormones, egocentric world view and developing brains can put them on a collision course with adults.”

So what’s a parent to do? Dr. Barber Garcia offers these 10 tips for parents...
Thursday, 14 July 2016 14:26

5 Foods to Defy Post-Flight Dehydration

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It’s officially high summer and people are taking to the skies for vacation and business travel. 

You know the drill. You’re given some peanuts, the drink cart makes a couple of rounds and before you know it, it’s wheels down. 

You're regretting not drinking more water during the flight and feel your skin is tight. 

However, drinking water on a longer flight is a double-edged sword, if you don’t, your entire epidermis dries up. If you do, your lower body retains the liquid. So how can you fly without the ankle swell or the skin dehydration?

Dr. Christopher Calapai, DO, an anti-aging and stem cell expert and long-time health advisor to the New York Rangers hockey team, explains how to fight the dryness with foods.
Friday, 08 July 2016 17:49

Top 5 Pregnancy Myths that Just Won't Die

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Most of these myths have been perpetuated for centuries to a point where they are treated as facts. 

As a mother in waiting, there's nothing that can upset and irritate you more than a pregnancy myth. For instance, some people think eating eggplant while pregnant will turn your baby purple. This is an outrageous rumor, obviously, and there are endless others that are nowhere close to being true. While they may seem like harmless stories or “old wives’ tales,” they can ruin a woman's experience and create even more discomfort in an already uncomfortable state. 

Let's take a look at some of the more common myths and help you separate fact from fiction.
Monday, 11 July 2016 00:00

5 Simple Steps to Prevent Tech Neck

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Technology has many benefits. Unfortunately, it also has detriments, including the condition known as "tech neck." 

Here are some tips to prevent tech neck from happening to you.

1. Be Aware of the Tech Neck Problem

The act of holding your head flexed and forward while looking down places your cervical spine in a tenuous position. Repeated too frequently and over long periods of time can lead to muscular strain, disc injury, arthritic changes of the neck and lead to neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and symptoms down the arms. Understanding that poor posture while you are using handheld devices can create many unwanted health issues involving your cervical spine is critical to so that you can use tips 2-5 to keep safe.
Thursday, 07 July 2016 13:38

5 Tips for Avoiding Back & Neck Pain While Flying

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Getting on a plane anytime soon?

Whether you have pain occasionally or experience chronic debilitation, here are some tips to manage pain while traveling.

Get Up & Walk Around When Possible

Contrary to popular belief, sitting is actually much worse for back pain than standing. Especially if you have a pre-existing spine condition or injury, sitting for extended periods of time may create worsening back pain symptoms.

Bio-mechanical studies have demonstrated that pressures within the disc peak in the seated position and improve with standing (and even more with lying down). So, get out of your seat and move around the cabin at least once an hour as a preventative step.
Thursday, 30 June 2016 22:00

Arthritis of the Spine: Tips for Relief

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Back pain can be a daunting concern for many Americans. 

In fact, back pain generally falls in the top ten reasons that people visit the doctor. As a spine specialist, arthritis of the spine is one of the biggest causes for surgical interventions. 

In this article, I’ll discuss spine arthritis, as well as helpful tips that can be done at home.

As parents, we always want to make sure that our children are set up for success, both in life and the work they pursue.

While we cannot guide them entirely, we can instill certain habits and traits that will allow them to create success in both their personal and professional lives. 

In my book, The Powers, I highlight several tips for helping our children tap into their own personal powers and how they can create extraordinary experiences in whatever they pursue.

It's the most overlooked technique in the gym for building muscle and gaining strength. 

Used by sports psychologists and Olympic athletes routinely, it's also of benefit and value for everyday athletes. 

In fact, it's the simplest, easiest and one of the most effective techniques out there to experience gains in the gym. 

What’s this magic technique?

Visualization and mental imagery.
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