When an individual is diagnosed with a substance use disorder and a co-existing mental health disorder, the paired disorders are referred to as co-occurring disorders, also known as dual disorders. 

Common comorbid mental health disorders include depression, anxiety, manic depression (bipolar disorder), panic disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although the association is usually linked with a mental health disorder, the comorbidity may also include a physical health disorder (e.g., heart disease, HIV infection, or Hepatitis C) or other disorders.

I remember lying in bed one night when I was about 13 years old. Out of nowhere, the room felt like it was spinning; it felt like time was passing much faster than I could keep up with. My brain was racing like a broken hamster wheel that I couldn’t figure out how to stop. 

I had a feeling of impending doom as my body became tense and I went into a full blown panic attack. I thought I must be crazy; there was absolutely no reason for me to feel this way. 

This was my first encounter with anxiety.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:37

Springtime Smiles: How to Make Your Oral Health Better This Year

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Oral health is and always has been a big deal. If you lack good oral health, you may lack general wellness too. 

Here are a few ideas for optimizing and prioritizing your oral health this year.

Low back pain is one of the most common chronic pain conditions around the world. Indeed, recent statistics suggest about 31 million Americans currently suffer from some degree of low back pain. One common question patients have is when to take their back pain seriously. 

Below, we'll go over three ways you can tell if your back pain is a sign of a more serious condition.
Friday, 22 February 2019 12:05

Damaged Tooth? 4 Options to Clean up Your Smile

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Your teeth are meant to last you for most of your lifetime. Unfortunately, accidents and illnesses can weaken your teeth and make them prone to damage. 

If you're dealing with a damaged tooth, here are four options available to you to help clean up your smile.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 21:45

How to Stay Active While Traveling for Work

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If you travel extensively for work, you know firsthand how challenging it can be to stay active when you’re on the road. 

Traveling all day just seems to zap your motivation. However, staying active doesn’t necessarily have to be long bursts of activity, like a two-hour gym workout. It also does not have to be something you do in a formal setting. Plenty of ways exist for you to move your body without taking large chunks of time out of your schedule. 

Here’s a look at some of the best ways to stay active while traveling for work and why you should.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 17:12

From Grieving to Growing: A Story of Addiction and Recovery

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Addiction does not discriminate. 

Growing up, when I heard about people addicted to drugs I thought of the homeless-type person, living in a box under a bridge. Not the mom with three kids and two jobs, not the hard-working pre-med student, not the high school teacher… you get the idea. 

So, surely for me, a (mostly) happy young man who grew up in a beautiful suburb with loving parents and plenty of potential, it was quite the shock once I admitted to myself I was a drug addict at the age of 20.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 16:53

I've Been Hit! 4 Common Sports Injuries and What to Do About Them

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Nature probably didn’t intend for human beings to play sports, at least not the way humans play them. 

The variety of injuries that can happen to the fragile human body in pursuit of strenuous pleasure astonishes. Yet, humans persist. 

Here are only four of the injuries that are often incurred while playing sports and what to do about them.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 16:47

Experiencing Back Pain? 4 Ways to Help Yourself Find Relief

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People experience back pain for a variety of reasons. It could be a temporary problem or something that you have to cope with for the rest of your life. 

Here are some solutions that can help you to find some relief.

It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but they are much more than that. 

Good vision is critical for performing everyday functions as well as enjoying life's pleasures. Although people with impaired vision or who lack eyesight typically learn to adjust their sensory perceptions as needed, those with good sight should take steps to maintain it over the course of their lifespan. 

Here are four reasons you should get routine vision exams.

Seasonal ailments can be a serious buzzkill. They can stop you from enjoying life and getting things done, after all. 

If you want to take charge of annoying allergies, colds, and the like, then you should think about setting up an appointment with your physician as soon as possible. Guidance from a doctor can keep all sorts of seasonal headaches at bay for you.
Sunday, 10 February 2019 13:45

Keeping Yourself in Mind: 5 Tips to Help You Stay Healthy

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I should start exercising more. I need to eat better. I don't drink enough water. I wonder if this is normal. 

Many of us have thoughts every day that tell us to take better care of ourselves, but how often do we listen to them? Health is everything, and some simple tips can help you stay on top of your own well-being and live a better life.
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