
Swiss Chocolate Diet: Mindful Weight Loss

Featuring: Mary Well Bray, Author
Denial doesn't get you in the headspace to successfully lose weight. Chocolate does.

Gut Check Fact Check

Featuring: Michael Murray, ND
Are your digestive fixes harming or helping you?

How Science Transformed the Art of Medicine

Featuring: Rajeev Kurapati, MD
Spiritual healing has taken a back burner to physical treatment in Western medicine.

The Heart of Wellness

Featuring: Kavitha Chinnaiyan, MD
Find inner peace and harness your healing power.

Encore Episode: Metabolic Approach to Cancer

Featuring: Nasha Winters, MD, LAc & Jess Kelly, MNT
Improve your health to ward off and recover from cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Encore Episode: 3 Steps to Stopping Self Sabotage

Featuring: Mike Bundrant, Author
You know you need to make a change but your attempts are met with failure. Are you sabotaging yourself?

Encore Episode: Environmental Influence on Chronic Illness

Featuring: Joseph Pizzorno, ND
How can you reduce your exposure to toxins?

Who Loves a Complainer?

Featuring: Cianna P. Stewart, Author
Stop getting in the way of your own joy with complaints!

Resilience in the Face of Rejection

Featuring: Bryan E. Robinson, Author
How can you use rejection to your advantage?

Manufacture of Medicinal Marijuana

Featuring: Bob Selan, Co-Founder of National Cannabis Industry Association
How is medicinal marijuana manufactured?
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