Selected Podcast

Innovations in Women's Health

The field of gynecology now offers new treatment techniques. Dr. Hamid Zadeh, owner and practitioner at Zadeh Cosmetics, discusses common women's health concerns and new innovations in the field.
Innovations in Women's Health
Hamid Zadeh, MD
Dr. Hamid Zadeh, MD/ Fellow of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a premiere Smartlipo Surgeon in the Imperial Valley. Dr. Zadeh is also on staff at the prestigious Pioneers Memorial Hospital and Scripps Hospital in San Diego, CA.

At his practice in Imperial, CA, he provides full-spectrum obstetric and gynecologic healthcare for women. Dr. Zadeh is an American College of Gynecology and Obstetrics certified OB/GYN. He specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures such as the “da Vinci” Surgical System, using cutting-edge surgical techniques and state-of-the-art technologies that allow patients to return home quickly, with minimal recovery and pain.

Deborah Howell (Host): If your girlfriend said she was going to get a little work done, would you automatically think that she’d be going to her gynecologist? The field of gynecology is rapidly evolving and is now offering more and more cosmetic options for patients. I’m Deborah Howell, and in this episode of Pioneers Memorial Health Talk, we’ll learn more about some of the groundbreaking treatment techniques that are now being offered to patients in the Imperial Valley. Dr. Hamid Zadeh is a premier Smartlipo surgeon in the Imperial Valley. Dr. Zadeh is also on staff at the prestigious Pioneers Memorial Hospital and Scripps Hospital in San Diego and is here to fill us in on some new treatment techniques. It’s such a pleasure to have you on the show today, Dr. Zadeh.

Dr. Hamid Zadeh (Guest): It’s such a pleasure to be here, thank you so much.

Host: All right, let’s get into it. Tell us if you would, what a women should expect during a Pap smear and also when should a women get tested for HPV?

Dr. Zadeh: Depending on your age and sexual activity, the answer to this question would be usually Pap smears will be done at age 21 and co-testing for the HPV will not happen until age 30 and the answer to that question is because most young women and healthy folks, they will be able to get rid of the HPV with a health immune system and no co-testing will be needed until age 30.

Host: Awesome, and how does one discover what birth control method is right for them and when should a women stop taking birth control?

Dr. Zadeh: It’s never too late to discuss your birth control option with your OB/GYN. You can start birth control when you become sexually active or you’re planning not to get pregnant. Obviously birth control are not a way to protect you from getting sexually transmitted diseases. It never hurts to check with your doctor about your options. There are very many options out there these days and there are a lot of myths out there, especially if you’re Google searching, you’re going to come up with a lot of questions. It would be nice to have a very healthy discussion with your OB/GYN and usually the birth control options are good from age 16 to 46.

Host: Okay, that puts it in a nutshell and should patients have both a family practice doctor and an OB/GYN?

Dr. Zadeh: An OB/GYN is a gynecologist who basically addresses your feminine health needs. So they usually – a women will usually go when they have questions about their periods, when they have questions about getting pregnant, about the reproductive system; however, an OB/GYN usually is a primary care provider as well. This is a discussion that you should have. A lot of OB/GYN will take care of you as a whole and will provide you with primary care and annual health questions if you need; however, if your physician does not feel comfortable, then you need to find a family practice or an internal medicine physician who you feel comfortable with to provide care for your primary care needs.

Host: Sounds very reasonable. Now you’re one of the foremost Smartlipo surgeons in the Imperial Valley. Just what is Smartlipo surgery?

Dr. Zadeh: Smartlipo surgery is a new method of approaching the traditional liposuction. So Smartlipo adds the laser treatment into the traditional lipo. We will heat up the fat and will break down the fat layers with the laser first and we melt down the fat area and then we will suck the melted fat out of your body. It will help with contouring your body. It will help with getting a smooth layer and the recovery time is a lot faster and complications that used to be traditionally with traditional liposuction is a lot less.

Host: Yes, obviously we’re making a lot of progress in that area, which is great. Tell us more about the da Vinci surgical system and its benefits.

Dr. Zadeh: The da Vinci surgical system is a robotic surgical system that’s been out there for many, many years. Now the company has come up almost every 5 years with a new and high definition, and now we’re going into we’re talking about ultra-high definition. The da Vinci system, the robotic surgery, helps all the surgeons who access the patients in area for need for surgery with smaller instruments – they have articulating instruments that have 360 degrees of access and it gives you – it makes the surgeon to be able to approach areas that was maybe in the past impossible to reach macroscopically or even the surgeries that were being done with open, now are being done with minimally invasive with small incisions, with very short recovery time, and the patients sometimes go home the same day.

Host: Wow, that’s incredible and you said the recovery time is minimal? What kind of recovery time are we talking? A woman always wants to know when can I go back to work?

Dr. Zadeh: With minimally invasive surgery, the general rule is a week to two of recovery time, which means not going to work; however, they go home from the hospital to home the same day. They’re able to walk, they’re able to do their routine daily within a matter of days. The amount of need for pain medication is minimal, maybe a couple days; however, we just tell them about a week to two to make sure that they’re absolutely comfortable going back to work, doing their heavy duty work that they usually are going to do.

Host: Okay, got it. What are some of the new cosmetic options for women?

Dr. Zadeh: That’s a very heavy topic to talk about nowadays, cosmetic surgery and plastic surgeries have basically targeted every inch of the body, from the face to the lips, to the eyes, to the abdomen, thighs, legs. In particular, the Smartlipo can reach areas that needs contouring and if you have a little bit of fat on your side of the legs that needs to be gone and you’ve been working out really hard to get those fat bumps out and you can’t, Smartlipo is the answer. If you have a little bit of fat on the belly that’s very hard to get rid of and you’ve been doing your crunches all the time and you can’t get rid of them, then Smartlipo is the answer.

Host: It’s pretty much endless isn’t it?

Dr. Zadeh: It is.

Host: Well Pioneers Memorial offers such a wide variety of advanced treatment techniques to its patients in the Imperial Valley, and for more information on all of these, please visit Dr. Zadeh, thank you so very much for your insights and for being on the program today.

Dr. Zadeh: It was a pleasure.

Host: Our guest today has been Dr. Hamid Zadeh and this is Pioneers Memorial Health Talk. I’m Deborah Howell, thanks so much for listening and have yourself a terrific day.