Tuesday, 27 September 2016 06:00

Top 10 Toxins Hidden in Your Beauty Products

How often do you read the label of your favorite shampoo or night cream?
Think about all of the personal care and beauty products you use every day, starting from brushing your teeth in the morning to applying your moisturizer at night. You could easily be applying 100 or more throughout the day.

But, how often do you pay attention to the ingredients in those products? How often do you read the label of your favorite shampoo or night cream?

The toxic ingredients in personal care products can have hugely negative effects and create a toxic overload.

The top 10 to look for include the following:

  1. Parabens: there are many different types of parabens, so look for any variation of this word.
  2. PEGs and Glycols: shampoos, antiperspirants, body wash, and can even be found in toothpaste.
  3. Lauryl/Laureth Sulfates: extremely irritating to the body.
  4. 1,4 Dioxane: cancer-causing ingredient that is also found in sulfates and glycols.
  5. Triethanolamine (TEA): respiratory toxin/allergen. 
  6. Phthalates: endocrine disrupting properties.
  7. Synthetic Fragrence: becomes a catch-all, so even if a product doesn't list "glycol" or "sulfate" it may still contain it under the guise of frangrence.
  8. Synthetic Dyes: look for companies that use natural color options like beets. 
  9. Triclosan: U.S. FDA just changed ruling and no longer allows these in anti-bacterial soaps.
  10. Polyethylene Beads (plastic beads): the U.S. has finally banned these.
Men also need to pay attention, even if they may not think of products as "beauty" related. Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, antiperspirant, hair gel/spray, toothpaste, and cologne all may contain dangerous ingredients. 

Fortunately, there are products with clinically-proven results but without all the harsh ingredients. You need to be responsible for your own health, so make sure you take a very close look at what your products contain.

Listen in as David Pollock, an expert in the cosmetics industry, joins hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis to explain why these ingredients are so harmful. 

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1637ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: David Pollock
  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/JustAskDavid/
  • Guest Twitter Account: @JustAskDavid
  • Guest Bio: David-Pollock croppedNamed one of the “20 to Know” by the Global Cosmetics Industry, David Pollock has over two decades of marketing and product development experience working with some of the most recognized names in the industry.

    David is a published author, co-hosted a national radio show, been interviewed on national television and contributed to publications, such as Dr. Oz, Livestrong, Woman’s Day, Rachel Ray, Yahoo, SheKnows and many others, delivering his message to over 16 million people on a regular basis.
  • Length (mins): 22:15
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH