Best Superfoods for You

Find out which superfoods provide specific health benefits.
Medicine evolved from plants and other foods to treat ailments. Before the advent of pharmaceuticals, these natural treatments successfully helped with healing.

Superfoods are foods packed with nutrients and that provide specific health benefits.

Berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and blackberries) are pigmented by anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are good for the brain, heart and skin. Some berries also contain high levels of antioxidants.

Cranberries have been proven to prevent bladder infection. These tart berries assist blood lipid levels and promote heart health. They also help fight infection in the gums and stomach. The cranmax ingredient in supplements can help prevent sexually-related UTIs with a dose of two 500mg tablets before and after intercourse.

Grapes (skin, seeds and pulp) contain antioxidants that are good for the heart.

Lychee is a tropical fruit that contains oligonol. This antioxidant helps improve skin elasticity and slows aging. It can decrease brown spots on the skin. Oligonol is good for blood flow.

Tomatoes and watermelon are filled with lycopene. Lycopene provides sun protection benefits.

Listen as pharmacist Sherry Torkos joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss the best superfoods for you.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1651wl4a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Sherry Torkos, RPh
  • Book Title: Saving Women’s Hearts, The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and The Glycemic Index Made Simple
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Bio: Sherry TorkosSherry Torkos, B.Sc.Phm., R.Ph., is a pharmacist, author, certified fitness instructor and health enthusiast who enjoys sharing her passion with others.

    She graduated with honors from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science in 1992. Since that time she has been practicing holistic pharmacy in the Niagara region of Ontario. Her philosophy of practice is to integrate conventional and complementary therapies to optimize health and prevent disease.

    Torkos has won several national pharmacy awards for providing excellence in patient care. As a leading health expert, she has delivered hundreds of lectures to medical professionals and the public.

    Torkos is frequently interviewed on news shows throughout North America and abroad. She has authored 18 books and booklets, including Saving Women’s Hearts, The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and The Glycemic Index Made Simple.
  • Length (mins): 26:59
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC