Link Between Mold & Chronic Health Conditions

Mold may be the source of your chronic health symptoms.
If you're experiencing unexplained symptoms, it may be time to look at mold as a culprit.

Mold toxicity is a varied, intense group of symptoms that make diagnosis difficult. Chronic fatigue, brain fog, nausea, vomiting, difficulty thinking, severe diarrhea, air hunger, chest tightness, numbness and tingling, dizziness, muscle pain and more can be symptomatic of mold toxicity.

Mold allergies present sneezing, coughing and sometimes asthma. 

If multiple symptoms like these are present, but a cause has not been determined, consider mold toxicity. Treating individual symptoms won’t provide lasting benefit.

Post-exertional malaise is common for those with mold toxicity. Exercise helps with many other health conditions, but in the case of mold toxicity, activity physically wipes out the sufferer. The body doesn’t have reserves of energy for fitness.

Mold exposure could have colonized in your body from as long as 15 years ago. Childbirth, illness, flu, surgery and enormous stress can weaken your immune system. This can allow the mold to grow.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic disease that is atypical, mold toxicity is suspect.

How Mold Exposure Works
Mold toxins are called mycotoxins. Mold exposure includes contact with mycotoxins and volatile airborne spores, bacteria, and irritants that set off the immune system. The immune response creates the inflammation, which is the basis for many of these health conditions.

Not all molds are toxic. Water damage in buildings provides the perfect environment for toxic mold growth. Inhaling mold is far more dangerous than accidentally eating mold.

Testing for Toxicity
You can test your home for mold toxicity with a home kit. Mold plates don’t require a prescription. Put the plate out for a few days. If it’s ugly after three to five days, send it in to the company for evaluation.

You can test yourself for toxic mold. RealTime Laboratories Inc. has a urine test that detects four types of toxic mold. You simply mail in your specimen for results.

Listen as Dr. Neil Nathan joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how mold affects your health.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl292.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Neil Nathan, MD
  • Book Title: Mold and Mycotoxins: Current Evaluation and Treatment, 2016
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Neil NathanNeil Nathan, MD, has been Board Certified in Family Practice and Pain Management and is a Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine.

    With Dr. Rich van Konynenburg, he did the ground-breaking clinical research which demonstrated the importance of methylation chemistry in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and he has just completed a study with Dr. Robert Naviaux on the metabolomics of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    He has written several books, including Healing is Possible: New Hope for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Persistent Pain, and Other Chronic Illnesses and On Hope and Healing: For Those Who Have Fallen Through the Medical Cracks. He is the host of an internationally syndicated radio program/podcast on Voice America called The Cutting Edge of Health and Wellness Today. He has been working to bring an awareness that mold toxicity is a major contributing factor for patients with chronic illness and lectures internationally on this subject.

    He has been practicing medicine for 44 years and has recently relocated his medical practice to the Redwood Valley Clinic in Northern California. He can be contacted most easily through his website, through which consultations are available.

    Dr. Nathan has been treating chronic complex medical illnesses for 25 years now, and Lyme disease for the past 15 years. He has been a member of ILADS and lectures internationally on a wide range of medical topics. He has just completed a new book Mold & Mycotoxins: Current Evaluation and Treatments, 2016.
  • Length (mins): 26:08
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC