Chinese Medicine & Fertility

Improve your fertility and pregnancy with Chinese medicine.
The stress of trying to get pregnant can decrease connection and intimacy when they are most needed. Love can get lost during fertility struggles.

Chinese medicine can boost the loving connection between partners and with oneself.

Listen as Denise Wiesner joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to discuss how to use Chinese medicine to improve fertility and prepare for a successful pregnancy.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl415.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Denise Wiesner
  • Book Title: Conceiving with Love: A Whole Body Approach to Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion, and Increasing Fertility
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Bio: Denise WiesnerDenise Wiesner is a Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist, certified sex coach, clinic director of Natural Healing & Acupuncture, and author of the book, Conceiving with Love.  

    Wiesner shares how her multi-faceted approach, culled over 25 years of practice and including yoga, acupuncture and Tantra, has helped thousands of couples reconnect and ultimately conceive. Her methods have been proven for couples using both Western medicine, and those trying to conceive naturally.  Wiesner uses acupuncture, herbs and lifestyle suggestions when she works with patients in person, and counsels patients worldwide to improve their fertility.
  • Length (mins): 23:16
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC