In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr229.mp3
  • Doctors Martin Angelo, MDiv, CAP
  • Featured Speaker Martin Angelo, MDiv, CAP
  • Guest Bio Marty-AngeloHe thought he had it made... Marty Angelo worked in the entertainment business from 1965 to 1980 as a musician, television producer, record promoter, disk jockey, restaurant and nightclub owner and personal manager for rock 'n' roll bands, Raven and the popular Top 40s rock group, The Grass Roots starring Rob Grill.

    He received his first professional breaks from "the late Jimi Hendrix" and "the late George Harrison." Angelo also created, wrote and produced the '70s very popular dance television show, Disco Step-by-Step® and in 1978 was voted one of the Top 25 disco record promoters. He promoted hundreds of hit albums, singles, and 12" disco 45s, receiving numerous recognition awards for his efforts. Angelo is featured in several documentaries, magazine articles, and radio/television productions.

    Though at times Angelo thought he achieved success, internally he always felt emptiness in his heart. He sensed his life neither had real meaning nor true purpose. Nothing ever seemed to matter to him. Consequently, he lived a rebellious, sin-riddled out-of-control lifestyle. Angelo was arrested in 1980 for two counts of possession of cocaine. Through this life-shattering event he experienced a "new beginning," a dramatic and electrifying conversion to Christianity. This miracle happened in 1981 prior to serving two-and-a-half years in a federal prison. God forgave Marty's sins, blessed him with everlasting life and filled the void in his heart with His Holy Spirit. His life finally mattered as he discovered God's true plan and purpose. If God can change Marty Angelo He can change anybody... Angelo helped many prisoners during his incarceration explaining to them that if God can change his life He can change anybody... including hardened convicts, drunkards and drug addicts. Many followed his advice.

    Marty was released from prison in 1984 and is living his life as an example to other ex-convicts and former drug-addicts and alcoholics who want to serve God and be used by Him for His glory. For more than 30 years, Marty Angelo has worked with various ministries such as; Prison Fellowship Ministries, Teen Challenge of Southern California, The Fort Lauderdale Rescue Tabernacle (Faith Farm), and the Drug Abuse Foundation of Palm Beach County. Angelo also provided nine years of personal in-home health, medical, and spiritual care for his parents, "the late Dr. Martin and Marie Angelo."

    Angelo is the author of the powerful life-changing biography-memoir entitled, Once Life Matters: A New Beginning. His book reveals how God totally transformed his life of sin into a strong witness of His saving grace, mercy, and love. The book is offered free to prisons, jails, rehab programs, college campuses and troubled celebrities.

    Marty Angelo is currently a full-time minister to prisoners, substance abusers, college students and troubled celebrities. His nationwide ministry reaches out to prisons and jails, rehabs and support groups, colleges, high schools & churches and to various celebrities. He is also the author of 10 books. Angelo has appeared on numerous popular Christian radio shows and television programs such as The 700 Club, I'm Just Sayin', Praise the Lord, Celebration and 100 Huntley Street.

    His testimony was dramatized in 1987 on the popular nationwide radio program, Unshackled. His story was published in Voice Magazine and in various other print and internet media.
  • Length Mins 26:38
How can we cultivate meaningful relationships that enrich our lives?

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr260.mp3
  • Doctors Lori Harder, Fitness Expert & Transformational Speaker
  • Featured Speaker Lori Harder, Fitness Expert & Transformational Speaker
  • Guest Bio Lori HarderLori Harder is a leading expert in the field of fitness, transformational work, mindfulness, and self-love. She has grown multiple multi-million dollar businesses as a lifestyle entrepreneur, founding The Bliss Project, a women’s empowerment retreat, the Bliss Habit online course for mental transformation, and the Body and Soul Program, which includes E-courses, meal-guides, and a large online workout membership community. Lori is also a transformational speaker, fitness cover model, three-time fitness world champion, podcast host, and author of the upcoming book, A Tribe Called Bliss (North Star Way, May 2018).

    Growing up as an overweight child, Lori was a victim of bullying and consistently told she would struggle with her weight her entire life due to “bad genetics.” Home schooled in high school, her family’s restrictive religion did not allow for sports or extra curricular activities, so Lori became fascinated with fitness after watching a fitness competition on TV. She dedicated the next two decades educating herself on food and fitness, and not only improved her body, but developed the mental strength to persevere through numerous life-changing personal hardships.

    After three years of unsuccessfully competing in fitness competitions, Lori went on to win three world championships in one year, setting a world record in the Federation, but still continued to get turned down from her dream of becoming a fitness magazine cover model. Eventually, Lori decided to stop chasing validation from magazines and sponsors and create her own success through building her online business, The Bliss Project. As soon as she shifted her focus to building a tribe and helping others, the fitness covers came—many of them.

    Throughout her career, Lori has regularly appeared on the covers of and published articles for Oxygen Magazine, STRONG Fitness Magazine, Health & Fitness Magazine and Prosper Magazine. She has also been featured on NBC, Fox, and TLC networks. But she realized that the titles and covers did not bring her the happiness that she thought they would, and continued to focus on building her business of self-empowerment for women.

    Through her unique coaching methods, her “Earn Your Happy” podcast, online programs and mental transformation retreats, Lori has helped thousands connect with their soul, transform their bodies, empower their minds, gain financial independence, and fall in love with themselves and their lives.

    Lori’s debut book, A Tribe Called Bliss is launching in May 2018 with the goal of helping women everywhere build a meaningful “tribe” or support system to get them through life’s tough moments and be unapologetic about the pursuit of their bliss.

    Lori currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Chris, and their dog. Lori and Chris are both running multiple 7-figure businesses from their home, with Chris owning his own business mentorship brand and podcast called “For The Love Of Money.” Lori and Chris are passionate donors/advocated of the Make-A-Wish and the Unstoppable Foundation.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 24:13
Writing doesn't have to conform to stereotypical expectations.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr258.mp3
  • Doctors K.J. Howe, Author
  • Featured Speaker K.J. Howe, Author
  • Guest Bio KJ HoweK.J. Howe is the executive director of Thrillerfest, the annual conference of International Thriller Writers. A three-time Daphne du Maurier Award winner, she completed her MA in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University.

    She is an avid traveler who has raced camels in Jordan, surfed in Hawaii, and dove with the great whites in South Africa.

    She became fascinated by the kidnap-and-ransom (K&R) world after meeting Peter Moore, a British computer consultant who became the longest-held hostage in Iraq and the only person to survive of the five men who were taken that day.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 19:51
Talking about money can be really difficult and can bring about feelings of fear and shame. It doesn’t have to be that way.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr261.mp3
  • Doctors Brittney Castro, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC®
  • Featured Speaker Brittney Castro, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC®
  • Guest Bio Brittney-CastroBrittney Castro, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC® is the founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women, a Los Angeles-based financial planning firm whose mission is to teach women and couples the art of managing their money the fun and simple way. As a Certified Financial Planner™, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor, Accredited Asset Management Specialist, entrepreneur and speaker, Brittney works with busy professional women and couples who are ready to make their finances work for them and use their money to live the lives of their dreams. After years of working in the male-dominated world of financial planning, Brittney realized she wanted to work with clients the same way she talks about money with her girlfriends–in a smart, personal, feminine way that’s compassionate, fun and nonjudgmental.

    Brittney has become a well-known financial expert and a go-to resource for national media outlets. She’s been featured on CNN, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CBS, KTLA, Fox 11 News, Glamour, Elle, Marie Claire, Darling, Entrepreneur, Woman’s World, Financial Planning, Investment News, Registered Rep magazine and many more. She’s also a coveted speaker and host, and she loves spreading her wisdom about finance, entrepreneurship and smart investing to the masses.

    Additionally, Brittney serves as the Chase Financial Education Ambassador, a role in which she’ll be traveling the country, giving interviews and speaking at events in an effort to spread financial literacy to more women and men. She is also a CFP® Pro spokeswoman in the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning campaign to educate more women and minorities about the career of financial planning. Finally, Brittney serves as an Entrepreneur Network Partner to provide entertainment, education and inspirational content to the millions of entrepreneurs seeking actionable, entertaining content.

    Away from the office, you can find Brittney working out, drinking coffee or a green smoothie, playing at the park with her dog Arya and, of course, dancing.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 20:21
When it comes to food, labels are a big deal.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr259.mp3
  • Doctors Swami Nathan, CEO of Amazing Protein Company
  • Featured Speaker Swami Nathan, CEO of Amazing Protein Company
  • Guest Bio Swami-NathanSwami Nathan is the founder and CEO of Amazing Protein Company, bringing both a passion for cooking with an equal passion for building businesses within emerging categories to his new company.

    Swami has been a chef, working at a top New York City restaurant and also held senior-level executive positions with high-profile corporations, particularly within the technology sector.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 24:38
Twenty years into the opioid epidemic, only one in five of the 2.4 million Americans with opioid use disorder (OUD) receive treatment.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr262.mp3
  • Doctors Adam Bisaga, MD
  • Featured Speaker Adam Bisaga, MD
  • Guest Bio Adam-BisagaAdam Bisaga, MD, is an addiction psychiatrist, clinician, researcher, and professor of psychiatry at Columbia University.

    He conducts research on new treatments for opioid addiction and oversees a national program that mentors physicians treating opioid addictions.

    Dr. Bisaga is a UN expert involved in international addiction training and program development.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 25:51
We all want to be liked, but what do you do when -- despite your best efforts and intentions -- someone just doesn’t like you?

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr263.mp3
  • Doctors Bizzie Gold, Personal Development Expert + Serial Entrepreneur
  • Featured Speaker Bizzie Gold, Personal Development Expert + Serial Entrepreneur
  • Guest Bio Bizzie-GoldOne of the world's top Personal Development + Wellness Experts, Bizzie Gold has appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, E!, EXTRA, Home & Family, Bethenny, ABC NEWS and MSNBC to discuss her unique approach to sustainable transformation that has garnered widespread Hollywood praise (past clients include Julia Roberts + Jennifer Love Hewitt, among others). Gold's off-the-cuff humor and focus on diligent accountability, helps clients achieve striking breakthroughs in record time. An industry disruptor to the core, Gold is bulldozing the model of "coaching" that financially preys on countless people across the globe, replacing it with a sustainable model that puts the clients swift breakthrough at the forefront of all sessions.

    In addition to her groundbreaking work in personal development, Gold is a serial entrepreneur with five global brands held by her successful Buti Inc. parent company. In addition to her consulting work with male and female-led brands, she works passionately to help women expand their presence in c-suite positions and access funding from private equity. In a recent interview she stated:

    "If we can help motivated female entrepreneurs learn from our mistakes while fast tracking their brand vision, demographic research and options for funding through female-led investment vehicles, we will drastically alter the corporate landscape for many years to come. There is no such thing as the glass ceiling. Unfortunately, through priming and participating in conferences that complain about its existence, we fall right into the hands of the stereotype. I am a firm believer that 'what you don't know - you DON'T know.' If you don't know the statistics of female start-ups getting funded vs. male start-ups then you DON'T let it affect you. If the successful female entrepreneurs of the world mobilize their efforts to fund and mentor other women just like us, we will see that statistic change. FAST."

    Whether Gold is helping a client break through emotional addiction or bring a consumer product to market, she does it with harsh accountability, thought-provoking Directed Storytelling® exercises and a lot of humor. Dubbed "the millennial voice of personal development," Gold infuses her teaching and advisory services with her core belief that millennials build the world they want to live in. Whether a client is 50 or 18, Gold's teaching style transcends age and finds its way into the brain chemistry of each and every every student looking to BREAK THEIR WORLD WIDE OPEN.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 25:06
As we travel on our recovery journey, it becomes a big part of our identity. It’s what we are now.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr266.mp3
  • Doctors Kurt Rasmussen, Founder of Recovery Community Toolsmiths
  • Featured Speaker Kurt Rasmussen, Founder of Recovery Community Toolsmiths
  • Guest Bio At age 54, Kurt Rasmussen admitted to himself that he was an alcoholic.

    That evening, he went to his first AA meeting. In the days ahead he would attend many meetings, and would enter a world whose existence he had little suspected: the world of recovery. Kurt learned that the core truth of the recovery world, in contrast to the “real world,” is that here you don’t get to count anyone out. It was where he needed to be.

    After staying sober for a few months, Kurt took a month off from his corporate IT job and made a bicycle trip across the south, from Austin, TX to Savannah, GA. It was on that journey that he learned that your real thinking gets done with your body, rather than your mind, in a place in you more primordial than language.

    When Kurt got back he knew he needed to take another road with his life. The direction he had gone for so long was making him sick. As a maker, a builder, an artist and an artisan, Kurt loves to make things that are useful to people. That is his authentic calling, and he needed to get back in touch with that.

    Kurt has designed and written computer programs for over thirty years. “Software Engineer,” “Full Stack Developer,” etc. -- these are all mainly just status terms in the corporate IT world, which is a world with its own toxicity, and which can make people sick.

    The thing to know is: Kurt writes computer programs, and he’s good at it. He’s a published word-poet, and a code-poet also.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 18:20
It’s in the moments where life takes a turn we don’t expect that we build up valuable coping skills.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr271.mp3
  • Doctors Thomas J. Sims, MD
  • Featured Speaker Thomas J. Sims, MD
  • Guest Bio Thomas J. Sims, MD, is a writer and actor who studied Zoology and Creative Writing at UCLA before attending medical school at Creighton University. After leaving Alaska, he began a private medical practice and began to write and act. He now runs a medical consultation practice and the website He lives in Bend, Oregon.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 24:02
The words we use can affect every aspect of our lives -- including our physical health.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr270.mp3
  • Doctors Jeremy Howick, PhD
  • Featured Speaker Jeremy Howick, PhD
  • Guest Bio Jeremy Howick, PhD, is an Oxford University researcher and author of over 60 publications and a classic textbook. He is a world-renowned expert in the study of the placebo effect in large-scale medical studies and his work has been featured in The Times and The Washington Post, among other print outlets, as well as on Sky News, and the BBC.
  • Hosts Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins 24:42
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