
Improve Your Overall Health by Adding One Juice Daily
Featured Speaker: Steve & Julie Prussack, The Juice Gurus
Juicing is all the rage, but how do you know if you're getting a good, quality juice?
How to Create Clean Meals without Breaking the Bank
Featured Speaker: Michelle Dudash, Chef & Clean Eating Expert
If you take the wrong approach to eating clean, you can easily spend your paycheck in one trip to the market.
4 Steps to Simplify Your Nutrition
Featured Speaker: Ashley Koff, RD
Better nutrition is a vehicle for better health, but too much information can get overwhelming... what Ashley Koff, RD, calls "nutrition whiplash."
Labeling, Safety & the Future of GMOs
Featured Speaker: Megan Westgate, Executive Director of the Non-GMO Project
Why does so much money and effort go into the denial of GMO labeling?
Chef's Perspective: Healthy Fats Make Savory Dishes
Featured Speaker: Dawn Ludwig, Chef
You no longer have to feel guilty about eating healthy fats and sumptuous dishes.
Eating Clean for Optimal Eye Health
Featured Speaker: David Kading, OD
The old wives tale of eating carrots to improve your eye health is just that, a tale. What foods should you be eating?
Antibiotics & Hormones in Food
Featured Speaker: Cameron Harsh, Sr. Manager for Organic & Animal Policy at CFS
Just as antibiotic overuse has become a problem in the human population, antibiotics and other drugs are also overused in animal agriculture in the U.S.
The Crucial Work of the Center for Food Safety
Featured Speaker: Cameron Harsh, Sr. Manager for Organic & Animal Policy at CFS
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a national non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization working to protect human health.
Powerful Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide
Featured Speaker: John Hewlett, Creator of Cardio Miracle
Learn why some experts call nitric oxide the “Miracle Molecule.”
Dietary Changes to Prevent Heart Disease
Featured Speaker: Joel Fuhrman, MD
What if we could eradicate strokes, heart disease, cancer, and type-2 diabetes, all by changing our diets?
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