Trying to stay fit and healthy can be challenging when traveling. I always tell my clients that the goal should be to maintain, not gain while away. 

And, while I am an advocate for living life and enjoying all that it has to offer, going on vacation shouldn’t become a free-for-all to throw in the towel when it comes to health and fitness.

A common question I receive from many prospective clients is “I am going on vacation soon. Should I wait to start my plan or start right away?” 

My answer is always this: There is never a “good” or “easy” time to start. You have to learn to live a healthy lifestyle, which is what my plans aim to do. In other words, start the plan TODAY. That way, when it does come time for vacation, you have the tools you need to maintain, not gain.

While you won’t track every food particle that goes into your mouth on vacation, subconsciously you are much more aware of how your meals should look and be balanced if you are following a plan prior to vacation. I can’t tell you how many clients come back to have not gained an ounce. THAT IS WINNING!

Here are some tips to help you stay fit and healthy when traveling...